---+ IVOA TCG Telecon - Th, 08 Oct 2020 @15:00 UTC ---++ <a name="Attendees"></a><em>Attendees</em> * ---++ <a name="Regrets"></a><em>Regrets</em> * ---++ Zoom link <div id="_mcePaste">https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/84769906315?pwd=V0VEZS84MVNBYWpzeUtEN05sSXFUQT09</div> <div id="_mcePaste"></div> Meeting ID: 847 6990 6315 <div id="_mcePaste"></div> Passcode: 573334 <div id="_mcePaste"></div> ---++ Agenda/Mtg Notes <div title="Page 4"> * Actions * TCG Business * November Interop * Web Page / Sign up * WG/IG inputs * Community input in form of an abstract submission * Next communication with Interop list - welcome to sign up and submit abstract * What are we missing??? * AOB * *Next meeting* _-xx xx 2020_ __@20:00 UTC__ </div> ---++ <a name="Actions"></a>Actions <div title="Page 4"> * *NEW* * __PD: Port Volute to GitHub; update volute migration document and circulate to get everyone on the same page__ * *OPEN/WORKING* * PD: Send an email to the TCG with Publishing Doc links so we can re-address whether we migrate over and when * PD/JE: Exec review decision when stable of the doc license choice -<strong> OPEN ( _but made a forward plan )_ </strong> </div> <a name="topic-actions"></a> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2020-10-02 - JanetEvans
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