IVOA TCG Telecon - Th, 08 Oct 2020 @15:00 UTC
- Francoise, Pat, Tom, Baptiste, Chenzhou, Henrik, Jesus, Laurent, Marco, Mark T, Raffaele, Bruce, Gerard, Tim, Theresa, Dave, Giuliano, Carlo
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 847 6990 6315
Passcode: 573334
Agenda/Mtg Notes
- Actions - See below
- TCG Business
- Reminder: UDF Catalogue Note review by TCG (https://www.ivoa.net/documents/udf-catalogue/20200806/index.html) - TCG will review by next mtg (Oct 29)
- Other docs in RFC from Docs page (http://www.ivoa.net/documents/)
- SSLDM - remove/postpone
- ObsLocTAP - Jesus has a few things to prepare and will send it around
- Maintnenance of UCD words - Old/DONE (27Sep2019)
- Meas/Coords - Long discussion; After which it was accepted for Meas/Coords to go to RFC2; A request was made for a Workshop (During Interop/may separate) to explain the model for implementers - using an example from a mission, dataset, an app, & possibly using Astropy. The gist of the conversation was that the model is daunting and complex and folks need some guidance to work thru it and be convinced what they are approving.
- November Interop
- Web Page / Registration : https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-nov-2020
- WG/IG inputs: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ProgramPrepVirtualNov
- Community input in form of an abstract submission - 10 min presentations with Q&A
- Next steps / What are we missing???
- Notes:
- Noted almost 60 registrations to date
- Review submissions for WG/IG sessions so far.
- PD suggests keeping things to 2 topics per session to leave room for discussion. If things get tight, we will consider adding a 3rd.
- JE asked WG/IG to note the criticality of their inputs (critical, not critical) and be clear about the amount of time - whole session, 1/2 session - 30min, regular talk - 10mins.
- Heard some extra topics/sessions at the meeting and asked those folks to enter them on the page - 2nd bullet above under Nov Interop
- Discussed kick off and end of meeting; WG/IG provide 1 slide and will change mic to present them from one presentation - further discussion next mtg
- Next meeting - Oct 29, 2020 @20:00 UTC
- PD: Send an email to the TCG with Publishing Doc links so we can re-address whether we migrate over and when - OPEN
- PD/JE: Exec review decision when stable of the doc license choice - OPEN ( but made a forward plan ) - Working
- PD: Port Volute to GitHub; update volute migration document and circulate to get everyone on the same page - Working
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Topic revision: r8 - 2020-10-08 - JanetEvans