---+ IVOA TCG Telecon - Th, 29 Oct 2020 @20:00 UTC ---++ <a name="Attendees"></a><a name="Attendees"></a><em>Attendees</em> * Pat, Tom, Carlo, Christine, Dave, Tim, Gerard, Giuliano, James, Jesus, Laurent, Marco, Mark, Markus, Raffaele, Steve, Janet ---++ <a name="Regrets"></a><a name="Regrets"></a><em>Regrets</em> * Christophe, Ada ---++ <a name="Zoom_link"></a>Zoom link <div id="_mcePaste">Time: Oct 29, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) - 20:00 UTC</div> <div id="_mcePaste">https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/81258226094?pwd=a0VST0NOZmExRkpBVEExLzdOT2oxZz09</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Meeting ID: 812 5822 6094</div> <div id="_mcePaste">Passcode: 420148</div> ---++ Agenda/Mtg Notes (meeting notes in Bold) <div title="Page 4"> * Actions - *See below* * TCG Business * Errata (VOSpace example) - <strong>TCG OK'd </strong>& Note (UDF Catalogue note) - *HOLD/Markus add comments page* * Apps page - out of date links (http://www.ivoa.net/astronomers/applications.html) * This was discussed at the May Interop. Presentation and notes are here: <a target="_blank" href="InterOpMay2020Apps#MaintIVOARes">https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020Apps#MaintIVOARes</a> * *TCG discussed: Raffaele summarized the May Interop presentation; TCG discussion came down to that someone needs to be responsible. TCG could help with technical side e.g., set up a Git repro for the page; Suggest back to the Exec to assign to Media group to review/update perhaps twice a year before Interop.* * Exec mtg summary * Discussed CSP; CC sent email to Exec for further input/discussion given attendece at Exec mtg was low for full conversation * Review charter - have priorioties changed over time??; consider having a V chair to assist the chair; consider invoking the term limit of 3 years were mentioned * Exec in attendenace seemed to agree it was time for a review * JE responded to BM email with TCG notes and input * Discussed Timing V Chair and Theory V Chair - Made Exec actions; Will take up at next mtg in early Dec * Interop Planning ( [[ProgramPrepVirtualNov][https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ProgramPrepVirtualNov]]) * ~100 attendees signed up so far * Have WG/IGs submitted their request?? Any holdouts?? Let's review them !! - *DONE, JE contacted Reg and added 1 for Registry* * External requests - 1 request - *JE extended abstracts to 11/4* * Time to start on Schedule !!! -<strong> DAL-3, DM-2, Apps-2, Ops-1, GWS-2, RadioIG-1, All-1, Reg-1</strong> * AOB * *Next meeting* _- Nov 15, 2020_ __@15:00 UTC (Only if Needed)__ </div> ---++ <a name="Actions"></a><a name="Actions"></a>Actions <div title="Page 4"> * *NEW* * *OPEN/WORKING* * PD: Send an email to the TCG with Publishing Doc links so we can re-address whether we migrate over and when -<strong>OPEN</strong> * PD/JE: Exec review decision when stable of the doc license choice -<strong> OPEN ( _but made a forward plan ) - Working_ </strong> * PD: Port Volute to GitHub; update volute migration document and circulate to get everyone on the same page -<strong>Working</strong> </div> <a name="topic-actions"></a>
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2020-11-03 - JanetEvans
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