TCG Meeting - Wed, Jan 26
@20:00 UTC
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
- New
- All - check and fill in the 2021B Roadmap
- All - RFC and voting on REC path documents & prepare for Errata voting
- Ada (& others) - startup small group to refresh the Publishing Data in the VO page
- Dave - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to
- Janet/Marco - report to Exec summary of this meeting and, in specific: Northern Spring 2022 Interop dates/modes, Code of Conduct, Publishing in the VO
Meeting agenda
- Exec Mtg Highlights
- Interop Schedule
- Northern Spring Meeting - Virtual, Week of April 25
- Northern Fall Meeting - Virtual, Date TBD but Exec thinking is Oct/Nov (away from Sep ADASS)
- May turnover .. .8 extensions possible, 5+1 roles opened up. ** Any corrections???
- WG:
- No extension - Apps Ch, Registry Ch/V Ch
- Extension available - DM Ch/V Ch, GWS Ch/V Ch, Semantics Ch/V Ch
- IG:
- Still open from last year - KD V Ch
- No extension - DCP Ch/V Ch
- Extension available - Ops Ch/V Ch
- TCG Ongoing Recommendations / Endorsed Notes / Errata / VEPs
- Ongoing RFC
- GMS-1.0: RFC status
- EPN-TAP-2.0: RFC status
- SimpleDALRegExt-1.2: RFC status, reference section check
- MOC-2.0: RFC phase needs TCG attention
- Meas/Coords: status
- Errata
- Proposed Endorsed Notes
- VEPs
- VEP-009 datalink/core#progenitor: discussion
- VEP-010 datalink/core#package: vote
- VEP-009 datalink/core#thumbnail: vote
- Go around the table for short status / any other documents that require attention??
- Code of Conduct & Certificate of Origin progress??
- April Interop Planning/Discussion - Review at high level for this mtg ===>> Interop is a Focus starting next TCG meeting
- Plenary, Workshop, CSP session, Publishing in the VO Session ??? - Discussion
- Abstracts for talks through registration page, If too many - is it time to assign posters and use gathertown to present ??? - Discussion
- But, gathertown costs money and no ADASS - JE will ask Exec at 1/25 mtg
- Registration page (Post code of conduct), Update IVOA front page, TCG Planning twiki page, Emails to IVOA - Discussion of TBD dates
- What else ???
- Next meeting: xxx xx, 2022 @20:00 UTC
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Topic revision: r4 - 2022-01-25 - JanetEvans