
  • Janet Evans [JE], Marco Molinaro [MM], Baptiste Cecconi [BC], François Bonnarel [FB], Markus Demleitner [MD], Anne Raugh [AR], Hendrik Heinl [HH], Laurent Michel [LM], Giulia Iafrate [GI], Mark Taylor [MT], Tom Donaldson [TD], Ada Nebot [AN], Gregory Mantelet [GM], Patrick Dowler [PD] (invited, Architecture Note), James Dempsey [JD], Gerard Lemson [GL], Mark Cresitello-Dittmar [MCD], Tim Jenness [TJ], Mark Lacy [ML], Adrian Damian [AD], Raffaele D'Abrusco [RDA], Simon O'Toole [SOT], Brent Miszalski [BM], André Schaaff [AS], Theresa Dower [ThD], Giuliano Taffoni [GT]


  • Cristophe Arviset, (Jesus), (Pierre), (Carlo), (Steve), (Christine)


(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes)


  • ACTION [all/new members]: ask IVOADoc for a TWiki account (used also for personal landing page in TWiki). Instructions for email available at new user registratioon page.
  • ACTION [MM]: send out a reminder on TWiki accounts. (DONE)
  • ACTION [all]: check and fill in the IVOA Roadmap 2021A.
  • ACTION [JE/MM]: remove PR-Vocabularies-2.0 line from the TCG On-going RECs table. Same for UDF Catalogue EN from Current Note's one.
  • ACTION [all]: review/RFC VODataService-1.2.
  • ACTION [UCDList v.1.4 editors]: endorsed, push 1.4 to repo
  • ACTION [JE/MM]: remove UCDList-1.4 from TCG Current Note table.

Meeting agenda

  • Welcome - Intro's from all !!!
    • round the table introduction of all participants
    • Chairs/V Chairs meet to discuss tasks and rolls for both
      • JE invites WG/IG coordination to meet; also points out that KDD hasn't a vice-chair, propose names to Exec for that role.
  • Review TCG Wiki page:
    • ACTION (on all/who needs to): ask IVOADoc for a TWiki account (used also for personal landing page in TWiki). ACTION (MM): send out a reminder on this.
    • TCG Charter
      • JE invitation to read/re-read it
    • 2021A Roadmap
      • ACTION (on group coordination): check and fill it in
    • Standards and Process
    • TCG Ongoing Recommendations / Endorsed Notes /Errata / VEPs
      • ObsLocTAP
        • hold on v.1.0 submission to Exec waiting for last minute (end of Interop) addition in the obsplan fields. Since Jesus (editor) is not attending, overview provided by MT (also from the validator side) and BC. TCG will be requested for a quick vote round after changes are completed. After that the process will go to Exec.
      • Vocabularies in the VO
        • REC since the Interop. ACTION [JE/MM]: remove it form TCG page list
      • Measurements / Coordinates
        • Work progresses after the Interop DM dedicated workshop. Further changes needed in Coordinates. MCD (editor) to work on them. Afterwards MCD+LM will resume the RFC currently on hold.
      • SimpleDALRegExt
        • MD (editor) reports the 2 major changes in the revision: (1) adaptation w.r.t. Discovery in Data Collections Note and (2) SSAP change to express exposure of time series datasets. The latter is connected to the product type vocabulary under discussion, so it seems reasonable to wait for that to be closed (should not take too long) or, otherwise, drop the (2) change and then proceed with the revision, On hold until Aug.
      • VODataService
        • ACTION (all): suggestion to focus on the RFC for this standard w.r.t. the previous.
      • UDF Catalogue
        • Already Endorsed. remove it from list
      • VEP-006
        • on hold, waiting closure of discussion
      • UCD1+ List v.1.4
        • discussion on the process for PEN->EN TCG endorsement. Agreement UCD List should have a proper RFC page (as is). TCG votes and approves endorsement of UCDList v.1.4. ACTION [editors+JE/MM]: push EN to repo and clean TCG table listing.
  • Next Interop - Nov 2-4 (Virtual)
    • JE reports from Exec the reminder for the above dates of the next Interop. Given the not yet clear situation it will be held online also this time.
  • Architecture Doc -- PD summary
    • May 27 Draft version of IVOA Architecture Doc: Arch.pdf:
    • Github repository:
    • English spelling consistency: american or international? modeling vs modelling
      • internal consistency, anyway difficult since current RECs use both also mixed up in the same REC
    • had included sections for some draft standards (PRs, soon-to-be PRs, or context for PRs) but not all WDs... where to draw the line?
      • discussion converges at drawing the line at PR (Proposed REC) status. WD inclusion might be considered if close to PR or to fill in the landscape of the inetersted section. Discussion also touches: architecture note revision timescale (~3 years / coordination mandate span), section for specific topics/priorities (like Science Platforms), acronym expansion (VO Glossary solution to update/replace current outdatedTWiki topic), inclusion of EN (Endorsed Notes explicitly)
  • AOB
    • MD invites to review and collaborate on ivoatexDoc, in view also of porting it in GitHub
    • GT invites to discuss/prepare in advance for hybrid (in presence/remote) meetings for the future
  • Next meeting
    • TCG meeting on Wednesday 25 August 2021 - 20:00 UTC


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Arch.pdf r1 manage 811.1 K 2021-06-11 - 14:25 JanetEvans May 27 Draft version of IVOA Architecture Doc

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaTCG > IvoaTCG-2021-06-kickoff
Topic revision: r7 - 2021-06-17 - MarcoMolinaro
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