---++ _Attendees_ * Anne Raugh, Janet, Evans, Marco Molinaro, Markus Demleitner, Ada Nebot, Brent Miszalski, Carlo Maria Zwolf, François Bonnarel, Gerard Lemson, Giuliano Taffoni, Hendrik Heinl, James Dempsey, Jesus Salgado, Laurent Michel, Mark Cresitello-Dittmar, Mark Lacy, Mark Taylor, Patrick Dowler, Pierre Le Sidaner, Simon O'Toole, Steve Groom, Theresa Dower, Tom Donaldson ---++ _Regrets_ * ---+++ Meeting TCG Meeting - Wed, Oct 27 @20:00 UTC ---+++ Agenda *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* ---++ ACTIONS * New * MCD - Set up Zoom rooms and share with Janet (Schedule) & Marco (Emails) * Janet - Add gather.town poster sessions to schedule 16:00-17:00 each day of main mtg * Janet - Advertise Slack channel in final interop email and on top section of schedule (mtg-virtual-2021) * Mark T - will check with ADASS if we can allow open access to Gathertown * Henrik - will make a new room and move/copy VO posters if OK with ADASS (input from Mark T); Henrik will contact Janet if we will have a Poster session(s) * *details in the Interop schedule discussion below, for both actions* * WORKING * Mark CD - to respond to Vandana's feedback at the May Interop - consider a errata/note to add to Utpes to the current Spectrum model * *acknowledge Vandana's feedback and figure out a path to respond to it* * *looking after Vandana's reply to feedback, work will then progress / CLOSED * * DONE * * Mark T - will check with ADASS on Posters in a separate room & welcome to keep ADASS posters up but see how they feel about it - Yes! * Mark T - will check with Ops presenters if he can swap the Ops session with the Theory session - feedback to Gerard/Janet/Marco - Yes! * JE - will add 2 slots to the schedule and reconfigure day 2/3 to look like May schedule for the 1st set of sessions in a day - Yes! * Francois B - will check with group if there will be a joint Interest group session he will request - Checked, No request! * JE/MM - Architecture doc is ready for Exec endorsement - JE to send to Exec Ch/V Ch - Sent to Exec!! * *Exec approvals are flowing in* * JE/MM - VODataService 1.2 ready for Exec - Sent to Exec!! * *REC has been approved (stated in the draft minutes of the last Exec meeting), only formal email to be waited for* ---+++ Meeting agenda * [[IvoaTCG#On_going_Recommendations][TCG Ongoing Recommendations / Endorsed Notes /Errata ]] * VODataService 1.2 (Rec) - Approved!! - 10/19 * <em>Architecture Doc -- In Exec review<br /></em> * VEP006 & 007 (Note) - _Ready for TCG Consideration_ * *Markus D. summarises, TCG approves both VEPs 006 and 007* * Next Interop - Nov 2-4 _(Virtual 3 day meeting)_ * Schedule: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpNov2021 * _Mtg topics:_ * Schedule in place - Any issues/requests/changes?? * *browsed through, clarified DAL/SSIG joint in the schedule itself* * _Pre-workshop Edu session - Ready??_ * *Session will be ready, it's planned as a 2 hour sessions with a 30 minute break in it* * _Gathertown - Final organization with ADASS/Postersn(Henrik, Mark T)_ * *Poster selection made by Mark T., ask the authors for agreement of keeping their posters on - Mark will send email* * *Final check with ADASS POC about keeping the gather.town _open_ (i.e. without the need to filter users by email identification)* * *3 gather.town poster sessions to appear on the schedule at 16:00-17:00 UTC on all the three main Interop days* * *Registry will have gather.town as the place for the WG's splinter discussion* * _Slack setup for mtg_ * *re-using the mtg-virtual-2021 from May* * _Zoom sessions (MCD)_ * *Mark will prepare zoom rooms and share details to Janet (for the schedule) and Marco (for registrants' reminders)* * _Monitors, notetakers lined up for sessions??_ * *all fine, in the hands of WG/IG coordination* * CSP Questions/Concerns? *none* * AOB *none* * Next meeting after Interop * *Dec 01 @20:00 UTC* (2 weeks before Exec on Dec 15)
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2021-10-29 - JanetEvans
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