---++ _Attendees_ * Janet, Marco, Tom, Adrian, James, Gregory, Laurent, Jesus, Giuliano, Markusm Hendrik, Raffaele, Mark T., François, Anne, Baptiste, Gerard, Simon, Brent, Mark C.-D., Ada, Dave (invited) ---+ _Regrets_ ---+++ <a name="Meeting"></a>Meeting TCG Meeting - Wed, Dec 01 @20:00 UTC ---+++ <a name="Agenda">Agenda</a> *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* ---++ <a name="ACTIONS"></a>ACTIONS * New * All - check and fill in the [[2021BRoadmap][2021B Roadmap]] * All - RFC and voting on REC path documents & prepare for Errata voting * Ada (& others) - startup small group to refresh the [[PublishingInTheVO][Publishing Data in the VO]] page * Dave - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to github.com/ivoa * Janet/Marco - report to Exec summary of this meeting and, in specific: Northern Spring 2022 Interop dates/modes, Code of Conduct, Publishing in the VO * DONE ---+++ <a name="Meeting_agenda"></a>Meeting agenda * [[IvoaTCG#On_going_Recommendations][TCG Ongoing Recommendations / Endorsed Notes /Errata ]] * _Architecture Doc -- APPROVED - 10/29_ * *ongoing RFC* * *GMS-1.0: working on RFC comments, discussion at next GWS meeting about REC path* * *EPN-TAP-2.0: some final discussion on the document going on, otherwise ready for final TCG votes* * *SimpleDALRegExt-1.2: RFC comments ongoing, seems in good shape* * *MOC-2.0: in RFC phase right now, check at next TCG its status* * *Meas/Coords: documents should be ready by end of year, RFC/vote to follow up* * *Errata* * *ConeSearch-1.03 Erratum 2: drop mandatory VOTable version: in WG review, voting to happen at next TCG* * *SSA-1.1 Erratum 1: base URL trailing separator: in WG review, voting to happen at next TCG* * Interop Review - thoughts ??? - Nov 2-4 * *brainstorming and ideas arisen from recent Interop:* * *usage of gather.town, attendance numbers in that particular platform, costs (based on those numbers), not much poster interaction* * *useful splinters following main sessions to let discussion move on (as it happened in presence)* * *split contribution requests for Interop: open call for May, WG/IG setup in November* * Roadmaps * https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/2021BRoadmap * *reminder to fill it in* * Publishing Data in the VO * That came up at the European Data Providers Forum * Has also come up recently in the US * *from a panel discussion at EDP Forum: keeping providers and VO expertise in touch in a continuous way* * *one step is to continue lowering the entry barrier: the [[PublishingInTheVO][Publishing Data in the VO]] page, refreshed can be a starting point* * *there was already a similar goal for May 2022 Interop* * *twofold: update wiki and collect skills for a How to Publish in the VO workshop* * *also a demo booth or similar at some event like AAS (Jan. 2023) or IAU (Aug. 2022, clash with 50 years pf CDS) can be pursued (Exec to be alerted for funding/support)* * *specific workshops not to be discarded anyway* * *creation of a small group to review/update the [[PublishingInTheVO][Publishing Data in the VO]] page* * A Code of Conduct and Certificate of Origin for IVOA software and standards * Proposal to facilitate a discussion by adopting this !GitHub repository as an IVOA project * https://github.com/Zarquan/CodeOfConduct * This would provide a forum for discussing the content of the two documents and how we should use them. * (Note that an [[https://ivoa.net/members/IVOA_Code_of_Conduct.pdf][IVOA code of conduct]], endorsed by the Exec in 02/2020, already exists - MT) * *the github repo under Dave's account to be used to start discussion after moving it to ivoa github organisation* * *after integration/check with the current [[https://ivoa.net/members/IVOA_Code_of_Conduct.pdf][IVOA code of conduct]]* * *the Code of Conduct should be more visible (than currently is) and should be linked in* * *all repo README(s) [like a codeofcunduct.md containing only a link to the specific document]* * *all announcements of Interop meetings and Interop meetings web pages* * *discussion should be open (that's the reason for ivoa organisation move) and then TCG/Exec should finalise* * CSP * Publishing Data in the VO -- update webpage (e.g. point to the new Archi doc). Use on the Newcomers session. Propose a small group to work on that. * *discussed above* * Next interop * *bring to Exec question about _May_ Interop dates and in presence/remote organisation* * *being the _Northern Fall 2022_ interop in September, it might be better to have the _Spring_ one moved to end of April (25th week), also due to potential clashes in May* * AOB * *KDD IG vice chair still open* * *CSP vice also is still open* * Next meeting after Interop * *Wednesday 26 January 2022 @20:00 UTC*
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r7 - 2021-12-02 - MarcoMolinaro
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