---+ TCG Meeting (online) - Tue, Feb 15 2022 @ 20:00 UTC %TOC% --- * _Attendees_ : JE, MM, TD, AD, JD, GM, LM, GT, !ThD, MD, HH, RDA, MT, ML, FB, AR, BC, BM, MCD, PD, AN, FC * _Regrets_ : JS --- ---+++ Meeting details TCG Meeting - Tue, Feb 15 @20:00 UTC ---+++ ACTIONS * Existing * Dave - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to github.com/ivoa *[ONGOING]* * GT prepare GMS-1.0 PR and JE/MM review and send to Exec *[ONGOING]* * JE/MM review and send SimpleDALRegExt-1.2 to Exec *[ONGOING]* * *NEW* * *JE/MM - start wiki/web/registration steps for April Interop schedule and attendance* * *LM+MCD - define and set the RFC dates for meas/coords documents* ---+++ Meeting Agenda *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* * Sad news *Doug Tody's passing: thinking about saying/writing a few words, including at oncoming interop* * April Interop Planning and Discussion * agenda structure * Plenary / CSP: *High Energy astrophysics session with talks followed by a panel discussion (better back-to-back)* * Workshop(s) * *python could be, but needs some specific interest* * *specific topics of interest with hands-on during the week* * *difficult to find a proper format while in online mode, also attention span is difficult* * Publishing in the VO Session: *introductory session(s) before the interop's opening* * Abstracts for talks: * *WG/IG managed organisation of sessions: solicit explicit abstracts to report in the schedule pages* * through registration page? * If too many - is it time to assign posters and use gathertown to present *no posters, too much work w.r.t. benefit* * gather.town: *test the use of the free of charge solution and check whether it suffices (ObAs gather space will be used)* * Registration page *this and similar setups will be taken care by TCG coord and INAF partner* * (Post code of conduct) * Update IVOA front page * TCG Planning twiki page * Emails to IVOA, announcements, ... * Discussion * WG/IG session requests - https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ProgramPrepVirtualApr2022 * Northern Fall Interop: discussion date - currently week of Oct 17 (based on our recommendation & Exec approval) * *keep the week of Oct. the 17th* * (quickly) ongoing documents review *moved to next TCG meeting, only alerted about MOC-2.0 and SSA-1.1 Err.2* * [[IvoaTCG#On_going_Recommendations][link to TCG wiki topic section]] * (quickly) highlights from WGs/IGs - better if focused if towards April's Interop *to be discussed at next TCG meeting* * CSP * *survey on data providers/archives will be advertised soon and reported in CSP session at Interop* * *Next TCG meeting: Tuesday, March 08 2022 @ 20:00 UTC* <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r5 - 2022-02-16 - MarcoMolinaro
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