TCG Meeting (online) - Tue, Feb 15 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
Meeting details
TCG Meeting - Tue, Feb 15
@20:00 UTC
vconf link to be announced here
- Existing
- Dave - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to [ONGOING]
- GT prepare GMS-1.0 PR and JE/MM review and send to Exec [ONGOING]
- JE/MM review and send SimpleDALRegExt-1.2 to Exec [ONGOING]
- JE/MM alert (repeat) Exec on role expiry, in particular DCP no extension and availability [DONE]
- MM/JE alert IVOADoc about approved errata (and check Errata pages): ConeSearch and SSA [DONE]
- MD: update VEPs 010 and 011 and related vocabulary terms accordingly to approvals [DONE]
- TD/MM: alert IVOADoc about missing RFC link for MOC-2.0 [DONE]
- (new actions here)
Meeting Agenda
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
- April Interop Planning and Discussion
- agenda structure
- Plenary
- Workshop(s)
- CSP session
- Publishing in the VO Session
- Discussion
- Abstracts for talks:
- through registration page?
- If too many - is it time to assign posters and use gathertown to present
- Discussion
- costs money and no ADASS - JE will ask Exec at 1/25 mtg
- Registration page
- (Post code of conduct)
- Update IVOA front page
- TCG Planning twiki page
- Emails to IVOA, announcements, ...
- Discussion
- What else ???
- Northern Fall Interop: discussion on date
- (quickly) ongoing documents review
- (quickly) highlights from WGs/IGs - better if focused if towards April's Interop
- Next TCG meeting: Day, Mmm DD 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
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Topic revision: r1 - 2022-02-14 - MarcoMolinaro