TCG Meeting (online) - Tue, Mar 08 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
Meeting details
TCG Meeting - Tue, Mar 08
@20:00 UTC
- Existing
- Dave - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to [ONGOING]
- GT prepare GMS-1.0 PR and JE/MM review and send to Exec [ONGOING]
- JE/MM review and send SimpleDALRegExt -1.2 to Exec [ONGOING]
- JE/MM - start wiki/web/registration steps for April Interop schedule and attendance
- LM+MCD - define and set the RFC dates for meas/coords documents
- New
Meeting Agenda
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
- PRs
- Exec approval: GMS1.0 & SimpleDALRegExt1.2
- TCG Review: MOC2.0 votes in - ready to move forward; EPN status?? Meas/Coords - New
- Code of Conduct / Certificate of Origin progress
- April Interop Planning and Discussion -- week of April 25
- Education session - Monday 4/25 - 2 60min sessions??
- Overview of material?? Reruiting others to contribute??
- CSP session - Publishing Data into the VO - Plenary?? More time than an hour??
- WG/IG Sessions
- Tue-Fri
- 1 hour sessions; 30 min breaks; 3 times in the day (5:00, 13:30, 20:30) - gives us 20 sessions (not counting opening/closing/CSP)
- WG/IG arrange contributions - no central 'call' for contribs; no abstracts in the registration;; WG/IG ask for abstract and add to their session schedule
- Next TCG meeting: Tuesday, xx xx 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
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Topic revision: r3 - 2022-03-01 - JanetEvans