TCG Meeting (online) - Tue, April 05 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
- Attendees : Janet, Marco, Tom, Adrian, James, Grégory, Laurent, Jesus, Theresa, Pierre, Markus, Carlo Maria, André, Tim, Hendrik, Raffaele, Mark T, François, Anne, Gerard, Brent, Mark CD, Ada
Meeting details
TCG Meeting - Tue, Apr 20
@20:00 UTC
- Existing
- Dave - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to [ONGOING]
Meeting Agenda
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
- PRs
- TCG RFC Review - Status update???
- Measurements 1.0, Coordinates 1.0
- To be voted and finalised at next TCG meeting.
- PhotDM1
- Errata/Notes/Vocab review
- SLAP-1.0 Erratum 1.0: approved
- VEP-013 alert for vote at this mtg : approved
- From the Exec meeting
- Have either extended open positions or have folks to fill them - Exec voted on some to be able to announce at the Interop
- reported also the point made on how the continuous virtual participation is affecting work at all levels
- April Interop Planning and Discussion -- week of April 25
- Interop Programme -
- Sessions : Let's review
- most session schedules ready, the remaining will be fixed soon; TD offers to review all timestamps
- Operations & KDD - Good example of setting up Session page with Abstracts
- Program sessions - Please set up session wiki off of the schedule page - folks need to see the lineups!!
- Hack-a-thon: visible here
- What else??
- session switch for Apps/Edu
- M-CD and AR will provide zoom setup and send to MM
- Next TCG meeting: After Interop -
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Topic revision: r6 - 2022-04-21 - MarcoMolinaro