---+ TCG Meeting (online) - Tue, May 24 2022 @ 20:00 UTC %TOC% --- * _Attendees_ : *Janet Evans [JE], Marco Molinaro [MM], Adrian Damian [AD], James Dempsey [JD], Grégory Mantelet [GM], Laurent Michel [LM], Giuliano Taffoni [GT], Dave Morris [DM], Renaud Savalle [RS], Markus Demleitner [MD], Carlo Maria Zwoelf [CMZ], Gilles Landais [GLa], Hendrik Heinl [HH], Raffaele D'Abrusco [RDA], Mark Taylor [MT], Mark Lacy [ML], François Bonnarel [FB], Anne Raugh [AR], Gerard Lemson [GLe], Mark Cresitello-Dittmar [MCD], Pat Dowler [PD], Ada Nebot [AN]* * _Regrets_ : *Tess Jaffe [TJ]*, Yihan Tao [YT] cannot make it due to the wee hours of the meeting --- ---++ Meeting details TCG Meeting - Tue, May 24 @20:00 UTC ---++ ACTIONS * Existing * Dave - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to github.com/ivoa *[ONGOING]* ---++ Meeting Agenda *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* * Welcome new members - Renaud (Reg Ch), Tess(Reg V Ch), Dave (GWS V Ch), Gilles(DCP Ch), Yihan(KD V Ch) * *Round the table presentations* * 3 positions to fill - Apps Ch, DCP V Ch, and one new -> Edu V Ch - if you know of folks you think would be good - please send me/Marco an email (or Bruce) * *Apps Chair position being the critical one* * Review TCG Page - https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaTCG * *description of the various sections in there* * Roadmaps 2022A - https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/2022ARoadmap * Good focus topic for a Chair & V Chair to coordinate and get on the same page * Good topic for a running mtg with your WG/IG list - gather details/ideas/invite volunteers * Short semester - Next interop is early (Oct 18-20) * *interop preparations to start immediately when back from summer break* * *requested a F2F meeting, for Exec, TCG & CSP at least, TBD* * Thank You for your Interop efforts!! Let's discuss ... In my project we call it a Post Mordem!! * Attendence was once again good overall (188) and at each session (~50) * How about presentations without the invitation for abstracts?? * Gathertown for the Hackathon - Thoughts on that event ?? * Theory/GWS session - few slides - lots of discussion/volunteering - puts emphasis on followup * *Feedback on the closed April Interop experience* * *Good attendance, in numbers, but how to feel whether it was active participation or not: Q&A, further feedback from audience, new voices besides usual suspects?* * *Feeling the urge to get back to in person meetings (not said it has to be always, and we can think hybrid to keep remote attendance as a chance for those who cannot travel), we risk to loose VO community health and momentum* * *If virtual again, try a different time schedule, overnight session are disruptive (it might be easier to change day-night cycle for a few days than do another marathon for a week)* * *Gather Town experiences proved to be good and fruitful* * PRs * [[IvoaTCG#On_going_Recommendations][TCG RFC Review]] - Status update??? * EPN-TAP * *still work in progress: put the RFC on hold* * Measurements 1.0, Coordinates 1.0 * *To be voted and finalised at next TCG meeting - May24* * *postponed to next TCG, to let new chairpersons to pick up their role* * PhotDM * *high activity in RFC, progressing, check at next TCG* * Errata/Notes/Vocab review * *ObsCore-1.1 Erratum 3: WG discussion continues* * *UCDList-1.5 continues internal discussion/review* * *UAT adoption: pitched, to be voted at next TCG* * *VEP-009: discussion to be finalised* * MOC-2.0 REC to MOC-2.1 RFC? * final doc didn't get updated to final state prior to PR approval; updated made - needs quick review & turnaround * *discussion on how to prevent this in the future, how to handle GitHub&TWiki. Solution moved to TCG mailing list* * AOB * "versioned" Notes * *package/unpackage VO-DML files alongside a Model document (ivoatex & docrepo related)* * Look ahead topics for future meeting * JSON & VOTable -- side series of discussions to be scheduled * *Next TCG meeting: Wed, July 6 @20:00 UTC* * IVOA Events page: <a target="_top" href="IvoaEvents">https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaEvents</a> <a name="topic-actions"></a> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r10 - 2022-05-25 - MarcoMolinaro
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