TCG Meeting (online) - Wed, Jun 06 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
- Attendees : Janet Evans (JE), Marco Molinaro (MM), Pierre Le Sidaner (PLS), Adrian Damian (AD), James Dempsey (JD), Grégory Mantelet (GM), Laurent Michel (LM), Jesus Salgado (JS), Dave Morris (DM), Renaud Savalle (RS), Tess Jaffe (TJ), Markus Demleitner (MD), Gilles Landais (GLa), August 'Gus' Muench (AGM), Raffaele D'Abrusco (RDA), Mark Taylor (MT), Steve GRoom (SG), Mark Lacy (ML), François Bonnarel (FB), Anne Raugh (AR), Baptiste Cecconi (BC), Gerard Lemson (GLe), Mark Cresitello-Dittmar (MCD)
- Regrets : Ada Nebot, Brent Miszalski (on leave), Hendrik Heinl
Meeting details
TCG Meeting - Wed, Jul 06
@20:00 UTC
- Existing
- Dave - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to [ONGOING]
- [MM] contact Pat Dowler (StdProc) for final solution and step on MOC-2.0/2.1, copy to editors/authors [ONGOING]
- [MM] contact Stéphane Erard (EPN editor) on shaping RFC for final review and vote [ONGOING]
- [MD] mail TCG for last quick chance to comment on UAT PEN for endorsement [DONE]
- [Apps] to lead start discussion on JSON & XML in VO architecture
- [MM] investigate update of RFC wiki-template
- [MM] ask IVOADoc to update list of people [ONGOING]
Meeting Agenda
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
- Welcome new members - Shanshan, Gus, Pierre
- round table introduction by all attendees
- TCG Twiki browsed and described by JE
- 20UTC is 4am in China: next TCG will define how to rotate daytime of meeting for higher inclusiveness
- 2022A Roadmap - Review status
- WG/IG sections are now complete, JE suggests group coordinators to have internal meetings
- Short semester - Next interop is early (Oct 18-20)
- Roadmaps overview (a few groups at each meeting, to keep meeting short): (JD) DAL, (LM) DM, (GLa) DCP & (RDA) KD presented the respective roadmaps; will pick 4 more at next mtg
- Planning the Interop, based on feedback last mtg ...
- Should we change the schedule to local time Victoria and have the sessions fill the day??
- discussion points:
- would Victoria day time be the best solution? Check also what ADASS will do
- Since the TCG meeting Mark T reported back that ADASS has plans (not finalised) to move to 3 time blocks - more like Interop!! Kinda funny actually!!
- keep open 24h to let people organise side meetings when needed
- difficult to foresee impact on attendees (as well as TCG) when shifting daily routine (even if for this 3 days "short" meeting
- if it works for a 3 day meeting, than maybe a 5 days long one can be moved into a 3 + 3 days with a break in between
- at next TCG meeting this needs be discussed and defined, to start schedule programming - JE will propose 2 schedules to review.
- PRs
- TCG RFC Review
- Measurements 1.0, Coordinates 1.0 - Up for a Vote !! Please review and submit your groups vote in the doc
- If you are new and need advise, please reach out. Talk to the DM chair, talk to you previous WG/IG chair.
- Meas-1.0 is ready to be sent to Exec, Coords-1.0 needs a couple more reviews and votes. Since the 2 PR are tightly connected, Meas-1.0 will wait for Coords-1.0 to be ready, then both will be pushed to Exec for REC approval decision
- PhotDM - Check status
- work continues, too early to cast votes
- EPN-TAP: document comments should all be taken into account, a new PR document and a quick re-read by TCG plus vote should now close the path
- Errata/Notes/Vocab
- UAT adoption - Up for a Vote!!
- A quick email will be sent to TCG for a last chance to comment, otherwise endorsement will be granted without further delay
- ConeSearch-1.03 Erratum 3 approved
- ObsCore-1.1 Erratum 3 continues discussion
- VEP-009 Semantics to continue refining goal and decision on it
- MOC-2.0 REC to MOC-2.1 RFC?
- Status of MOC 2.1 updates??
- Possibly a MOC-2.0 replecement, TBC with StdProc
- Did How to prevent in the future get discussed?? Need a lead.
- Alert: 26/27 July the mail server will be switched to a new server, some disruption of services should be taken into account in those 2 days
- Look ahead topics for future meeting
- JSON & VOTable -- side series of discussions to be scheduled
- Apps will start discussion in dedicated meetings
- Opinions from TCG experts is various, first things to define is what the goals and possible actions are at stake
- Next TCG meeting: Thursday 11 August 2022 @20:00 UTC
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Topic revision: r6 - 2022-07-11 - JanetEvans