---+ TCG Meeting (online) - Thu, Oct 06 2022 @ 20:00 UTC * [[IvoaTCG-2022-10-06#TCG_Meeting_online_Thu_Oct_06_20][TCG Meeting (online) - Wed, Sep 07 2022 @ 13:00 UTC]] * [[IvoaTCG-2022-10-06#Meeting_details][Meeting details]] * [[IvoaTCG-2022-10-06#ACTIONS][ACTIONS]] * [[IvoaTCG-2022-10-06#Meeting_Agenda][Meeting Agenda]] --- * <em>Attendees</em> : * <em>Regrets</em> : --- ---++ <a name="Meeting_details"></a>Meeting details TCG Meeting - Thu, Oct 06 @20:00 UTC ---++ <a name="Actions"></a><a name="ACTIONS"></a><a name="ACTIONS"></a><a name="ACTIONS"></a>Actions * Existing * <strong>[DM] - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to github.com/ivoa</strong> <strong>[ONGOING]</strong> * The GitHub repo has been transferred IVOA and the key questions added to the project <a target="_top" href="https://github.com/ivoa/CodeOfConduct">README</a> file. * Including a CODE_OF_CONDUCT file in all our projects. * Including a Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) file in all our projects. * Initiate a process for updating our code of conduct. * *[Apps] to lead start discussion on JSON & XML in VO architecture [OPEN]* * *[MM] investigate update of RFC wiki-template [OPEN]* * New * *[ALL] feedback for the new IVOA web page (<a target="_top" href="https://sdc-dev.astron.nl/ivoa_web/">draft page</a>, [[IvoaLandingtSep22][feedback (wiki)]])* * *[ALL] send out call for contributions and feed the program preparation page* * *[ALL] register for the Oct. Interop (<a target="_top" href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/2112/">website</a>)* * *[MM] send out an email about abandoned/unused mailing lists decision* ---++ <a name="Meeting_Agenda"></a><a name="Meeting_Agenda"></a><a name="Meeting_Agenda"></a><a name="Meeting_Agenda"></a>Meeting Agenda *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* <strong><br /></strong> * [[2022ARoadmap][2022A Roadmap]] - Overviews ... * This mtg: (RS/TJ) Reg, (MD/CMZ) Sem, GT/DM (GWS), BM/MCD (Tim), GL/ST (Theory) * *topic postponed to a future TGC, to give more discussion time to the Interop preparation* * Aug 11 mtg: (PD/AD) Apps, (AR) Solar System, (HH/SL) EDU, ML/FB (Radio) * Jul 06 mtg: (JD) DAL, (LM) DM, (GLa) DCP & (RDA) KD gave Roadmap overviews - July06 reviews * [[IvoaTCG#On_going_Recommendations][TCG RFC Review]] * Measurements 1.0, Coordinates 1.0, EPN-TAP2.0- RFC PASSED Exec review * *EPN-TAP-2.0 is already on the ivoa.net documents repository, Meas and Coords will follow soon* * MOC-2.0 REC Fix * *Erratum prepared and asked for comments. To be reviewed/voted at next TCG meeting* * Planning the Interop; Oct 18-20 (Tu-Th), Newcomers session Mon, Oct 17 * Program Prep Page - <a target="_top" href="ProgramPrepVirtualOct2022">https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ProgramPrepVirtualOct2022</a> * CA asked about time schedule since this meeting comes before Daylight Savings time - should we shift 1 hour?? * Anne asked if there is an extra slot or to share to add a few more talks * Newcomers session planning - Update from Hendrik * WG/IG leads planning * Special topics/Plenary planning - VO & the Cloud * * Homework for Exec - Review Draft front page of IVOA.net * Any last comments??? (<a target="_top" href="IvoaLandingtSep22">https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaLandingtSep22</a>) * *Next TCG meeting: Thursday October xx 2022 @13:00 UTC* * IVOA Events page: <a target="_top" href="IvoaEvents">https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaEvents</a> <a name="topic-actions"></a> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2022-10-04 - JanetEvans
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