Latest XML schema serialisations for SNAP data model

The XML schema documents below define valid XML documents for defining/registering/communicating SNAP entities. The main rot elements are defined in the SNAP elements schema. It uses the SNAP types schema, which in it turn depends on the IVOA standard VOResource and IVO Identifier schemas, which have been copied here for completeness.

A web interface is in progress for validating XML documents against the schemas and for editing and registering documents.
This is meant to be a prototype for the SNAP portal we have been discussing. Check now and then the following link :

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatxsd IVOAIdentifiers.xsd r1 manage 2.2 K 2008-02-07 - 06:15 GerardLemson Copy of IVO Identifiers XML Schema
Unknown file formatxsd SNAP_SimulationDM_elements.xsd r1 manage 2.5 K 2008-02-07 - 06:13 GerardLemson The root elements for valid SNAP documents
Unknown file formatxsd SNAP_SimulationDM_types.xsd r1 manage 37.5 K 2008-02-07 - 06:14 GerardLemson The XML Schema complex and simple types
Unknown file formatxsd SNAP_ontology.xsd r1 manage 3.3 K 2008-02-07 - 06:14 GerardLemson "Ontology" types to be used by SNAP serialisation
Unknown file formatxsd VOResource-v1.0.xsd r1 manage 54.5 K 2008-02-07 - 06:15 GerardLemson Copy of the VOResource Schema document, used by SN

This topic: IVOA > IvoaTheory > IVOATheorySimulationDatamodel > IvoaTheory_SNAPDataModelOnlinDoc > IvoaTheory_SNAPDataModel_XML
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-02-07 - GerardLemson
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