---+May 2018 IVOA Interop Meeting Schedule *Preliminary Meeting Schedule* Please note the additional sessions on Wednesday afternoon. | *Session* | *Time* | *Room* | *Session* | *Notes* | | *Sunday May 27 2018* ||||| | | | | | | | ** ||||| | *Monday May 28 2018* ||||| | | | | | | | ** ||||| | *Tuesday May 29 2018* ||||| | | | | | | | ** ||||| | *Wednesday May 30 2018* ||||| | | | | | | | ** ||||| | *Thursday May 31 2018* ||||| | | | | | | | ** ||||| | *Friday June 1 2018* ||||| | | | | | | | ** ||||| <!-- TEMPLATE | *Wednesday May 19 2010* ||||| | 9 | 09.0009.15 | Spirit | VOFrontrow: Seamless Astronomy | Alyssa Goodman | | ^ | 09.1509.30 | ^ | VOFrontrow: VO Schools Across Europe [[%ATTACHURL%/Allen_Frontrow.pdf][(PDF)]]| Mark Allen | | ^ | 09.3009.45 | ^ | VOFrontrow: VO India | Ajit Kembhavi | | ^ | 09.4510.00 | ^ | VOFrontrow: Japanese VO | Masatoshi Ohishi | | ^ | 10.0010.15 | ^ | VOFrontrow: Canadian VO [[%ATTACHURL%/20100519CVO.pdf][(PDF)]] | Séverin Gaudet | | ^ | 10.1510.30 | ^ | VOFrontrow: !EuroVO-AIDA/WP5 | Massimo Ramella | | ** ||||| | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 10 | 11.0012.30 | Spirit | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010DMDAL][DM/DAL]]: Utypes, Obs/TAP service and TAP/PQL | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010VOEvent][VOEvent 1]]: Requirements from the VOEvent community | | | ** ||||| | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ ||| | | ^ | Harbour | IVOA Exec Meeting | Exec only | | ** ||||| | 11 | 14.0015.30 | Spirit | <a href="/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2010GWS">GWS 1: Current Status</a> | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010Theory][Theory 2]]: Sim*, S3 and Future Plans | | | ** ||||| | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 12 | 16.0017.30 | Spirit | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010DM][DM 3]]: Photometry, Characterisation v2.0, Provenance | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[InterOpMay2010DCP][DCP/GWS: Preservation, Linking and Storage Challenges]] | | | ** ||||| | | 17.30 | Harbour | IVOA Exec Meeting | Exec only | | *Thursday May 20 2010* ||||| -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-02-06 - MichaelPeddle
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