---+!! The Interop-er's Guide to Nightlife in Champaign-Urbana It's a little quiet this week as we're between semesters, but you should be able to find some fun about town. For a more complete run down of happenings you might try these local community calendars: * [[http://www.news-gazette.com/calendar][The News-Gazette Events Calendar]] * [[http://the217.com/events-3][the217.com]] Below are a selection of happenings around town this week: %TOC% ---++ Music and Comedy ---++++!! Saturday, May 19 * *Music*: The Dirty Feathers (blues rock) @ [[http://www.cowboy-monkey.com/][Cowboy Monkey]], 10pm, $5 ([[http://g.co/maps/cz3gx][downtown Champaign]]) * *Music*: Jazz @ the Iron Post: UI Jazz Faculty, 7pm; Mike Templetons West Cost Blues, 11p ---++++!! Sunday, May 20 * *Music*: Emerald Run (traditional Irish tunes/songs) @ The Blind Pig, 5pm ([[http://g.co/maps/zqd9a][downtown Champaign]], * *Comedy*: [[http://beardsofcomedy.com][The Beards of Comedy]] @ [[http://www.facebook.com/events/363402133707355/][the Iron Post]], 8pm (downtown Urbana) ---++++!! Monday, May 21 * *Improv*: [[http://sausageisfunny.honestbleeps.com/][Abe Froman Project]], a local improv troupe @ Mike'N'Molly's ([[http://g.co/maps/zt8t9][downtown Champaign]]) ---++++!! Tuesday, May 22 * *Music*: The Vine Street Syncopators (jazz) @ the Iron Post, 7pm (downtown Urbana) ---++++!! Wednesday, May 23 * *Music*: Brad Wheeler Group (jazz) @ the Iron Post, 5pm * *Dancing*: Tango (8pm) and Salsa (10pm) @ [[http://www.cowboy-monkey.com/][Cowboy Monkey]] ([[http://g.co/maps/cz3gx][downtown Champaign]]) ---++++!! Thursday, May 24 * *Music*: The Bears of Blue River (acoustic fock-rock) @ [[http://www.mikenmollys.com/][Mike'N'Molly's]], 10pm ([[http://g.co/maps/zt8t9][downtown Champaign]]) ---++++!! Friday, May 25 * *Music*: Stone-Faced (rock) @ [[http://www.mikenmollys.com/][Mike'N'Molly's]], 10pm ([[http://g.co/maps/zt8t9][downtown Champaign]]) ---++ Movies at the New Art Theatre ---++ Bars <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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