---+ Page Tree for Revised Web Design ---++TOP LEVEL <br> *Home* = www.ivoa.net = www.ivoa.net/home <br> *About* = www.ivoa.net/about <br> *Astronomer* = www.ivoa.net/astronomer<br> *Deployer* = www.ivoa.net/deployer<br> *Member* = www.ivoa.net/member<br> ---++HOME home<br> home/news-archive<br> home/events-archive <br> ---++ABOUT about<br> about/what-is-vo<br> about/what-is-ivoa<br> about/member-organisations<br> about/roadmap<br> about/contacts<br> about/participation<br> ---++ASTRONOMER astronomer<br> astronomer/using-vo<br> astronomer/portals<br> astronomer/tools<br> astronomer/newsletter<br> ---++DEPLOYER deployer<br> deployer/vo-concepts<br> deployer/standards-landscape<br> deployer/current-standards<br> deployer/cookbook<br> deployer/software<br> deployer/acronyms<br> ---++MEMBER member/calendar<br> member/mailing-lists<br> member/executive<br> member/working-groups<br> member/twiki<br> ---++Notes The "home" page should be kept nice and clean and simple, and shouldn't be confused with "About". Will write the front blurb asap to get this right. However I do like having the latest news and events stuff on the home page. I really think the developer/deployer section should be labelled "deployer" not "developer", otherwise sys admins at data centres won't think its them. But in the main banner it can still be called "for developers/deployers". Initially the various members pages can be links to the relevant wiki pages, but we can gradually sort that out. The other pages are more important to sort out. When we see it as necessary we can add more pages, but we should try to decide the main links on the home page now, and keep that fixed. <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-04-26 - AndyLawrence
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