| *Monday May 08 2023* |||| | *Session* | *Time* | *Plenary Room* | *Room 216* | | 1 | 09:0010:30 | Opening Plenary | | | Break |||| | 2 | 11:0012:30 | Opening Plenary (continues) | | | Lunch |||| | 3 | 14:0015:30 | Local Host Plenary | | | Break |||| | 4 | 16:0017:30 | Operations IG [I] | Newcomers | || | *Tuesday May 09 2023* |||| | *Session* | *Time* | *Plenary Room* | *Room 216* | | 5 | 09:0010:30 | Science Platforms [I] | | | Break |||| | 6 | 11:0012:30 | Data Access Layer [I] | Knowledge Discovery IG | | Lunch |||| | 7 | 14:0015:30 | Grid & Web Services [I] | Registry | | Break |||| | 8 | 16:0017:30 | Data Models [I] | Theory IG | | Small Break |||| | splinter | 18:0019:00 | Data Models | | || | *Wednesday May 10 2023* |||| | *Session* | *Time* | *Plenary Room* | *Room 216* | | 9 | 09:0010:30 | Registry + DCP IG | Solar System IG | | Break |||| | 10 | 11:0012:30 | Applications [I] | | | Lunch |||| | | 12:3014:00 | *Room 214* Exec Meeting (closed doors) || | 11 | 14:0015:30 | Digital Object Identifiers in Open Science | | | Break |||| | 12 | 16:0017:30 | Operation IG + Applications | Radio IG | | *Wednesday May 10 2023 - evening* |||| | *venue*: Hotel "I Portici" |||| | "I Portici" | 19:00-20:00 | *"SoniCosmos"* || | "I Portici" | 20:00-22:00 | Buffet Dinner || || | *Thursday May 11 2023* |||| | *Session* | *Time* | *Plenary Room* | *Room 216* | | 13 | 09:0010:30 | Grid & Web Services [II] | Semantics | | Break |||| | 14 | 11:0012:30 | Data Models [II] | Applications [II] | | Lunch |||| | 15 | 14:0015:30 | Science Platforms [II] | | | Break |||| | 16 | 16:0017:30 | Data Access Layer [II] | Education IG + DCP IG | || | *Friday May 12 2023* |||| | *Session* | *Time* | *Plenary Room* || | 18 | 09:00-10:30 | Closing Plenary || | Break |||| | 18 | 10:3012:00 | Closing Plenary (continues) ||
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r4 - 2023-05-02 - MarcoMolinaro
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