---++ Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (Apr 25, 2022) Meeting web link: <a target="_top" href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-april-2022">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-apr-2022</a> Program link: [[InterOpApr2022][InterOpApr2022]] - basic framework seeded Schedule inputs OPEN !! Virtual Mtg Outline: * Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs), Science Platform & DM mini-workshop within the Interop, 4 days of sessions with Closeout session to finish, 1 Newcomers session on Monday prior to Interop * Education session for Newcomers - on Mon, Apr 25 * Sessions - start Tues, Apr 26 - Fri Apr 29; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis * Technology * Videocon: zoom * Session messaging: zoom chat * Live notes: etherpad * Recording: via zoom * Gathering: Free Gathertown -or- pay thru CDS ---++ <a name="Session_Planning"></a><a name="Session_Planning"></a>Session Planning <span style="font-size: 17.290000915527344px; font-weight: bold;"><a name="New_Requests_WG_IGs"></span><span style="font-size: 17.290000915527344px; font-weight: bold;"></a></span><span style="font-size: 17.290000915527344px; font-weight: bold;"><a name="New_Requests_WG_IGs"></span><span style="font-size: 17.290000915527344px; font-weight: bold;"></a></span><span style="color: #630000; font-size: 17.290000915527344px; font-weight: bold;">New Requests WG/IGs:</span> (Format: *[WG/IG]* , <Request/description> - Your Name - Interop day/time preg - Date requested) <strong>[TDIG]</strong><strong>[RadioIG]</strong><strong>[CSP]</strong>, joint session on Radio Pulsar and FRB data in the VO; AN, BM, MCD, ML, FB - 1 session *[RadioIG]* Radio data in the VO: status and projects ML,FB - 1 session *[Semantics]* , Standard session - MarkusDemleitner - 1 session, preferably CET-friendly - no preference by day *[EduIG]* , Standard session - Hendrik Heinl - 1 session which should take place *after* the joint CSP/EduIG plenary <strong>[GWS], </strong>two sessions + we are discussing about a Theory GWS join one. *[OpsIG]*, 2 sessions, MarkTaylor *[KDIG]*, 1 session, RaffaeleDAbrusco - preferred time zone to be determined based on speakers' locations *[DCPIG]*, 1 session, AndreSchaaff ---++ <a name="Scheduled_Working"></a><a name="Scheduled_Working"></a>Scheduled/Working: * Last update (Mar 11 - HH) * Seeded this doc (Feb 15) - JE
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r15 - 2022-03-21 - AndreSchaaff
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