Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 25-28, 2021)
Meeting web link:
Program link:
Schedule inputs OPEN !!
TCG meeting: 11 May
2021 @15:00 UTC
Virtual Mtg Outline:
- Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs), Science Platform workshop within the Interop (GWS/Theory), 4 days of sessions with Closeout session to finish
- Virtual Meeting Page
- Attendee sign-up / Abstract submission
- Technology
- Videocon: zoom
- Session messaging: zoom chat
- Live notes: etherpad
- Recording: via zoom
- Sessions
- WG/IG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below - Highest priority
- Community topics/presentations - Short (~10 min) - Input abstract from Registrtion Web Page
Session Planning
New Requests WG/IGs:
[WG/IG] , <Request/description> - Your Name - Interop day/time preg - Date requested)
Requests from Abstracts:
(update --
MarcoMolinaro - 2021-05-07)
- "TFCat – Time-Frequency Catalogue", Baptiste Cecconi - Radio Astronomy; Data Access Layer; Time Domain
- "Product Type Vocabulary Review", Markus Demleitner - Registry; Data Access Layer; Semantics
- "Vocabularies in Action", ,Markus Demleitner - Semantics
- "Advanced Column Metadata", Markus Demleitner - Registry
- "Datalink XSLT,Markus Demleitner" - Data Access Layer
- "VODataService 1.2 in RegTAP", Markus Demleitner - Registry
- "Education, Virtual Observatory and Astronomical Data", Priya Hasan - Education
- "The Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory", Darren Croton - Data Curation and Preservation; Knowledge Discovery in Databases; Theory
- "A VOSpace implementation with tape support", Sonia Zorba - Applications; Grid and Web Services
- "A web portal for hydrodynamical, cosmological simulations", Klaus Dolag - Applications; Theory; Knowledge Discovery in Databases; Data Curation and Preservation
- "The IllustrisTNG Simulation Data Platform", Dylan Nelson - Applications; Theory; Data Curation and Preservation; Knowledge Discovery in Databases; Grid and Web Services
- "Disseminating Galacticus data through online platforms", Andrew Benson - Grid and Web Services
- "Can I do this?", Dave Morris - Grid and Web Services; Knowledge Discovery in Databases; Science Platform workshop
- "Registering IVOA software in ESCAPE", Dave Morris - Applications
- Scheduled (moved from section above)
- [DCP], DCP session, - Andre Schaaf - Open - 4/20/21
- [DAL/Apps], SSA/Spectra session - Marco Molinaro - Open - 4/20/21
- MOC 2.0: Any open issues. Ready for PR?
- VOTable: Discussion on any open issues. Roadmap for next version(s).
- [Ops/DAL], Service validation and compliance - Marco Molinaro - Open - 4/20/21
- [DAL], possibly a session for progress/status - Marco Molinaro - Open - 4/20/21
- [Radio IG] - 1 session, new radio services, implementation note, Obscore extension - Francois B - 4/20/21
- [Semantics/Reg] would like to have on slot – MarkusDemleitner
- Time in Semantics for waveband discussion, or 1 session max -- TheresaDower - 2021-04-23
- [GWS] one session on SSO
- [Apps] - Show and Tell. Demonstrations and talks on new implementations.
- [SSIG] - 1 session, project updates, EPNcore status - Baptiste Cecconi - Open - 22/04/2021
- [CSP] - 1 session to discuss updates and lessons learned from IVOA - astropy coordination and pyVO, possibly including some astropy/astroquery core team members TBD - Bruno Merín - Open - 22/04/2021
- [Theory+GWS] 3 sessions for joint workshop on "cosmological simulations and science platforms".
- [EduIG], one session on the collaboration between IVOA and IAU OAD, - Chenzhou Cui - Open - 4/23/21
- [Ops], General topics (schedule after Ops/DAL session to accommodate possible overflow) - Mark Taylor - Open - 23/04/2021
- [DM W/S] - 3 sessions
Last update
- Seeded this doc (3/19/21) - JE
- 1st cut at schedule (4/29) - JE
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Topic revision: r25 - 2021-05-07 - MarcoMolinaro