RegTAP 1.0 Erratum 1: Case insensitivity in an example query against res_details

Author: Markus Demleitner

Date last changed: 2019-02-06

Date accepted: 2019-05-12


The example query in 10.7 "Records from Registry" was written against an early draft of the RegTAP standard, when values in rr.res_detail were case-normalized. They no longer are in RegTAP 1.0 REC.

Therefore, the query as given in the REC-1.0 will not yield results for mixed-case authorities. It may be considered fortunate that the authorities in the examples are all mixed case, as users at least notice that the example query does not work as expected. Still, the document should give the correct query pattern.

Erratum Content

In section 10.7, “Records from Registry”, replace the current query,

SELECT ivoid FROM rr.resource
  SELECT 'ivo://' || detail_value || '%' AS pat FROM rr.res_detail
  WHERE detail_xpath='/managedAuthority' 
    AND ivoid='ivo://cds.vizier/registry') 
  AS authpatterns
ON (resource.ivoid LIKE authpatterns.pat)


SELECT ivoid FROM rr.resource
  SELECT 'ivo://' || detail_value || '%' AS pat
  FROM rr.res_detail
  WHERE detail_xpath='/managedAuthority' 
    AND ivoid='ivo://cds.vizier/registry') 
  AS authpatterns
ON (1=ivo_nocasematch(resource.ivoid, authpatterns.pat))

(i.e., employ case-insensitive matching in the join condition).

Impact assessment

As no normative text is changed, implementations are not concerned. Persons trying the example queries will be spared debugging.

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaResReg > RegTAP-1_0-Errata > RegTAP-1_0-Erratum-1
Topic revision: r2 - 2019-05-29 - TheresaDower
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