Registry Working Group

Kickoff Meeting: London: 19-20 March, 2003



Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


The meeting kicked off on time but was delayed by problems in getting the telecon working. In the end, Bob set up a NASA telecon link which we used for the rest of the two days. Because of the delays, we fudged the above agenda, dropping all discussions and running the presentations one after the other.

19 March 2003: Presentations


presented by Andre Schaaff


presented by Andy Powell


presented by Marco Leoni

Metadata Requirements

presented by Anita Richards


presented by Clive Page


presented by Alberto Micol

AstroGrid Registry

presented by Elizabeth Auden

20 March 2003: Work Packages

We had finished the previous day with a brief discussion of potential work packages, based on those outlined in my Day 1 slides. The discussion of Day 2 then concentrated on each work package, what it should cover and some initial goals. As it happened we dropped form the initial seven WPs to five, as follows:

Rwp01: Management, Policy & Documentation standards

Rwp02: Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases

Rwp03: Metadata specs

Rwp04: Registry replication and interfaces

Rwp05: Implementation coordination


see below

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v manage 67.5 K 2003-03-19 - 11:35 TonyLinde Alberto's slides
PowerPointppt IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v manage 286.5 K 2003-03-19 - 12:04 MarcoLeoni Marco Leoni's slides
PowerPointppt IVOA_Registry.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v manage 283.5 K 2003-03-19 - 10:20 ElizabethAuden Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides
PowerPointppt IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v manage 103.5 K 2003-03-24 - 23:36 AlbertoMicol Alberto's slides (more compatible?)
PowerPointppt JINIDemo.ppt r1 manage 2495.0 K 2003-03-19 - 21:45 WilliamOMullane Poster about JINI work at <nop>STScI
PowerPointppt RegMeeting_1903.ppt r1 manage 307.0 K 2003-03-19 - 11:11 TonyLinde Andre's slides
PowerPointppt RegistryMetadata.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v manage 35.5 K 2003-03-19 - 18:10 AnitaRichards Anita Richards' slides .ppt
Unknown file formatsxi RegistryMetadata.sxi r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v manage 11.7 K 2003-03-19 - 18:11 AnitaRichards Anita Richards' slides .sxi
PDFpdf ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf r1 manage 212.0 K 2003-03-19 - 18:25 BobHanisch V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc
PowerPointppt TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt r3 r2 r1 manage 247.5 K 2003-03-20 - 12:12 TonyLinde Tony's slides for Day 2: updated as we went along
PowerPointppt TL-IVOARegistry.ppt r1 manage 260.5 K 2003-03-19 - 16:31 TonyLinde Tony Linde's slides
Unknown file formatxsd VOResource.xsd r1 manage 16.5 K 2003-03-19 - 18:38 RayPlante An XML Schema for the RS metadata
PowerPointppt coverage.ppt r2 r1 manage 49.5 K 2003-03-19 - 16:13 ClivePage Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT.
PowerPointppt ivoa-ap.ppt r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v manage 189.5 K 2003-03-19 - 11:06 TonyLinde Andy Powell's slides
PDFpdf jini_firewall.pdf r1 manage 151.8 K 2003-03-27 - 14:16 MarcoLeoni
PDFpdf ochsenbein-2000.pdf r1 manage 210.0 K 2003-03-27 - 09:55 SebastienDerriere See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in <nop>VizieR

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaEvents > Registry19032003
Topic revision: r32 - 2003-03-27 - TonyLinde
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