SAMP Document Discussions

This page is for storage of intermediate versions of the SAMP document under discussion by the Apps WG. Actual discussion is probably best conducted on the apps-samp mailing list and/or the RFC page as appropriate.

Public repository for document text

Since publication of the 1.1 PR (2008-11-21), the SAMP standard document and associated build machinery are stored in the Volute subversion google code repository, in the directory projects/samp/doc. This means that people other than me (MarkTaylor) can in principle edit the text (though talk to me first to avoid potential conflicts) and also makes it easy for anyone to see changes which have been made. The text and recent change history can be viewed by looking at the sources browser web interface available from the Volute/GoogleCode page, or by subversion checkout. Read access does not require any kind of registration. Talk to me if you want write access.

Web Profile

A proposal to introduce a new Web Profile into the SAMP standard is under discussion during 2011. Some supporting discussion can currently be found at

Snapshots of earlier versions (historical interest)

Prior to the Published 1.1 PR (2008-11-21), the document source as a work in progress was periodically made available to interested parties (e.g. to see changes which had been made) as zip files on this page. They are archived here:

-- MarkTaylor - 13 Nov 2008

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaApplications > SampInfo > SampDoc
Topic revision: r5 - 2011-05-12 - MarkTaylor
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