<!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup --> ---+ SAMP This page contains information about SAMP, the Simple Application Messaging Protocol. ---++ Standard SAMP is defined by the [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/SAMP][SAMP Standard]]. The most recent version to achieve IVOA Recommendation status is Version 1.3, dated 11 April 2012. ---++ MTypes An MType is a short string which defines the semantics of a given SAMP message. A few administrative MTypes are defined in the SAMP document. A list of MTypes in use in applications, along with procedures for extending it, can be found at SampMTypes. ---++ Proposed well-known keys (x-samp) Keys in SAMP extensible vocabularies which are proposed for introduction as well-known keys in future versions of the standard may be listed at SampXSamp. ---++ Software Software which uses the SAMP protocol is listed at SampSoftware. ---++ Web SAMP over HTTPS There are complicated issues related to using the SAMP Web Profile from a web page served over HTTPS, as opposed to HTTP. More discussion at WebSampHttps ---++ Further Discussion Discussions concerning development of the protocol, suggestions for new MTypes, and anything else SAMP-related, take place on the apps-samp@ivoa.net mailing list (see also the [[http://www.ivoa.net/pipermail/apps-samp/][list archive]]). Queries and requests for help from application developers or users who would like to adopt or find out more about SAMP are very welcome. Some publications, tutorials etc are listed at SampPapers.
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r12 - 2019-11-22 - MarkTaylor
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