<!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup --> ---+ SAMP v1.2 RFC Discussion This page contains public discussion of the [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/cover/SAMP-20100913.html][SAMP v1.2 Proposed Recommendation]]. The formal RFC ran from October 1 through October 28, 2010. This document is now in the TCG final review. ---++ Change summary Version 1.2 is a minor revision of the first SAMP Recommendation, v1.11. The changes are detailed in Appendix B of the document, and consist of only two items: * Introduction of new =SAMP_HUB= environment variable lockfile location option documented in section 4.3. This is a backwardly-compatible modification of the existing SAMP "Standard Profile". * Addition of Non-Technical Preamble section 1.1 as per agreement for all new/revised IVOA documents. Neither of these items is subject to unresolved controversies within the Apps/SAMP community. It should therefore be very easy for TCG members to examine the changes and comment on approval/disapproval! As before, the SAMP document has been developed within the public subversion repository [[http://code.google.com/p/volute/][Volute]], in directory =projects/samp/doc=. The exact changes between the [[http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/tags/sampdoc-rec1.11-2009-04-21/projects/samp/doc/samp.tex][v1.11 REC]] and [[http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/samp/doc/samp.tex][1.2 PR]] of the (<nop>LaTeX) source code can be seen on this [[http://code.google.com/p/volute/source/diff?spec=svn1312&old=987&r=1326&format=side&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fprojects%2Fsamp%2Fdoc%2Fsamp.tex][diff page]]. ---++ Implementations and Validators There are two interoperating implementations of the entire SAMP standard, by different authors, in different languages, including the new SAMP_HUB feature: * [[http://cosmos.iasf-milano.inaf.it/pandora/sampy.html][SAMPy 1.2.0]] (Python) * [[http://software.astrogrid.org/doc/p/jsamp/1.1/][JSAMP 1.1]] (Java) JSAMP also includes a validation suite which performs validation of nearly all aspects of the standard. SAMPy and JSAMP both pass these validation tests. -- IVOA.MarkTaylor - 31 Aug 2010 <hr> ---++ General Public Comments Please add comments here. ---++ TCG Comments during the normal RFC period ---+++Applications (Tom !McGlynn, MarkTaylor) I approve! -- IVOA.MarkTaylor - 01 Oct 2010 ---++ TCG Comments During Final TCG Review (Nov 8 - Dec 6 2010) ---+++Applications (Tom !McGlynn, MarkTaylor) Approved. -- IVOA.TomMcGlynn - 08 Nov 2010 ---+++Data Access Layer (Patrick Dowler, Mike Fitzpatrick) Approved. -- IVOA.PatrickDowler - 2010-11-23 ---+++Data Model (Mireille Louys, Jesus Salgado) I approve this document. ---+++Grid&Web Sevices (Matthew Graham, Paul Harrison) I approve this document. -- IVOA.MatthewGraham - 23 Nov 2010 ---+++Registry (Ray Plante, Gretchen Greene) Approved. -- IVOA.GretchenGreene - 23 Nov 2010 ---+++Semantics (Sebastien Derriere, Norman Gray) Approved. -- IVOA.SebastienDerriere - 03 Dec 2010 ---+++VOEvent (Rob Seaman, Roy Williams) I approve! -- IVOA.RoyWilliams - 23 Nov 2010 ---+++Data Curation & Preservation (Alberto Accomazzi) Approved. -- IVOA.AlbertoAccomazzi - 26 Nov 2010 ---+++Theory (Herve Wozniak, Claudio Gheller) Approved. -- IVOA.HerveWozniak - 30 Nov 2010 ---+++TCG (ChristopheArviset, Severin Gaudet) I approve. Thanks to the author for having included the link to the IVOA Architecture. -- IVOA.ChristopheArviset - 29 Nov 2010
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r17 - 2010-12-03 - SebastienDerriere
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