<small>Jumps: IvoaResReg :: [[http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/][registry mail archive]] :: [[http://rofr.ivoa.net][RofR]] :: [[RegistryOperations]] <br /> Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg </small> ---+!! Service Validation A Service Validater refers to a service or software tool that can check an instance of a standard service for compliance to its standard. This page tracks coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain validaters for IVOA service standards. ---++!! Contents %TOC{depth="3"}% ---++ Available Service Validaters Validater Services (a service that can check another service) intended for broad use should be registered in an IVOA registry (try search with keyword "validater"). Known validaters at the time of this writing include: * [[http://nvo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/dalvalidate/csvalidate.html][Simple Cone Search Validater]] * [[http://nvo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/dalvalidate/siavalidate.html][Simple Image Access Validater]] * [[http://registry.euro-vo.org/validate.jsp][Euro-VO Registry Validation page]] * [[http://rofr.ivoa.net/regvalidate/regvalidate.html][Registry Harvesting Interface Validater]] at the [[http://rofr.ivoa.net/][Registry of Registries]] ---++ Software _Please add any links to useful software related to validating services below_ * [[http://trac.us-vo.org/project/nvo/wiki/DALValidater][DALValidater]] -- a Java toolkit from [[http://www.us-vo.org/][NVO]] for creating service validaters. It includes the implementation for the [[http://nvo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/dalvalidate/csvalidate.html][SCS]] and [[http://nvo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/dalvalidate/siavalidate.html][SIA]] validaters listed above. * [[http://www.starlink.ac.uk/stilts/sun256/votlint.html][votlint]] -- the [[http://www.starlink.ac.uk/stilts/][STILTS]] package contains a command named =votlint= which performs more stringent validation on VOTables than simply validating against the schema or DTD. If you're writing a validator for a service which involves returning a VOTable, it may be a good idea to embed this tool in it. * [[http://www.starlink.ac.uk/stilts/sun256/taplint.html][taplint]] -- [[http://www.starlink.ac.uk/stilts/][STILTS]] also contains a command =taplint= which carries out a battery of tests against a TAP service. Intended for use by TAP service developers. Most up-to-date version [[ftp://andromeda.star.bris.ac.uk/pub/star/stilts/pre/][available by ftp]]. * [[http://voparis-validator.obspm.fr/]] a validator developped and maintained at VOParis, validate VOTable, Cone serach, SIA, SSA from 1.03 to 1.1 and Simple Line access Protocol. Proposition of "batch mode" that try wrong query to validate error and also format="METADATA" ---++ Defining Validation Tests The links below attempt to enumerate the specific tests that a validater should encode to test full and correct compliance with a particular IVOA standard. * [[SCSValidaterTests][Simple Cone Search (SCS)]] * [[SIAValidaterTests][Simple Image Access (SIA)]] * [[SSAValidaterTests][Simple Spectral Access (SSA)]] * [[SLAValidaterTests][Simple Line Access (SLA)]] <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r8 - 2013-01-28 - PierreLeSidaner
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