---+ TCG Meeting (online) - September 27 2024 @ 13:00 UTC %TOC% * _Attendees_ : Marco, Tom, Pierre LS, Adrian, Grégory, Joshua, Mark CD, Sara, Baptiste, Sebastien, Renaud, Tess, Gilles, Shanshan, Yihan, Tamara, Mark K, Anne, Markus, Pierre F, Francesca, Pat, Janet * _Regrets_ : ---++ Agenda * (standing item): documents on track * RFC * !RegTAP-1.2 - [[RegTAP12RFC][RFC page]] - all votes in, formalise approval * *Proposed REC sent to Exec, and Exec approval happened on Oct. 2* * VOTable-1.5 - [[VOTable15RFC][RFC page]] - status check * *progressing* * VOEvent-2.1 - [[VOEventV21RFC][RFC page]] - alert * *TCG alerted to start reviewing* * EN * UCDList-1.6 - PEN status * *need to put PEN in the TCG table for proper alert* * Architecture doc [[https://github.com/ivoa-std/architecture/][IVOAArchitecture-2.1]] ready for review. Small update to bring references up to current Recs (from past 3 years) * *TCG to read it through and send to Exec* * *DAL will take care od ObjVisSAP -> ObjObsSAP renaming* * [[https://www.ivoa.net/documents/udf-catalogue/20240807/][UDF-catalogue-1.2]] - status/endorsement? * *Endorsed the 1.2 version, a check/fi on the Simbad related function will be done before publishing* * Errata & !VEPs * VEP-016 - review and vote * *hold on, waiting ADS implementation of the vocabulary term* * Interop: November 2024 Interoperability Meeting (15-17 November, Malta) * TCG !F2F: Thursday 14 November @ 14:30 - room 103 (followed by Exec with TCG participation) * website: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-nov-2024 (https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/2996/) * registration is opened: please, register * schedule: InterOpNov2024 * ProgramPrepNov2024 - overview and updates * calls for contributions * 10-11 parallel slots, 1 plenary and 1 session (plenary?) already taken * 6 WGs, 7 IGs & a couple of side-requests to fit into that * *inputs on session requests (will follow up on program preparation wiki. Call for contributions will start to be sent out. Groups are invited to draft session wiki topics as soon as the session is scheduled, to help attendees understand the interop's content.* * [[DALGWSTigerTeam][P3T]] * status/report * !P3T plans to invite Applications group members to upcoming meeting; are there others?? * *P3T planning a session to report/discuss* * AOB * IVOA static website rebuilding - quick status * DM/DAL/Apps joint session: path forward (FITS key serialisation, CAOM, multi-order spectra FITS, ...) * astronet.ru publishing registry issue * Date for the next TCG vconf * *Thursday 17 October 2024 @ 20:00 UTC* * *quick program finalisation vconf on Wed. 30 October @ 20UTC* * *PAY ATTENTION: daylight saving time period* TCG meeting dates, as well as other relevant meetings, should always be reported also at the [[IvoaEvents][IVOA Events page]]. <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2024-10-02 - MarcoMolinaro
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