---+ TCG Meeting (online) - October 17 2024 @ 20:00 UTC %TOC% * _Attendees_ : * _Regrets_ : * *vconf link: to appear here* ---++ Agenda * (standing item): documents on track * RFC * RegTAP-1.2 - Exec approval Oct. 2 * VOTable-1.5 - RFC page * VOEvent-2.1 - RFC page * EN * UCDList-1.6 - PEN status * IVOAArchitecture-2.1 - endorse? * UDF-catalogue-1.2 - docrepo status * Errata & VEPs * VEP-016 - on hold * Interop: November 2024 Interoperability Meeting (15-17 November, Malta) * TCG F2F: Thursday 14 November @ 14:30 Malta timezone [13:30 UTC] * room 103 (followed by Exec with TCG participation) * website: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-nov-2024 (https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/2996/) * schedule: InterOpNov2024 & ProgramPrepNov2024 - discussion * P3T status/report * AOB * IVOA static website rebuilding - quick status * DM running meeting (if not already discussed above) * (astronet.ru publishing registry issue) * Date for the next TCG vconf * *Thursday 14 November 2024 @ 14:30 Malta timezone [13:30 UTC]* - !F2F & remote * quick program finalisation vconf on Wed. 30 October @ 20UTC (depending on the need, I'd rather skip it) * PAY ATTENTION: daylight saving time period TCG meeting dates, as well as other relevant meetings, should always be reported also at the [[IvoaEvents][IVOA Events page]]. <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2024-10-14 - MarcoMolinaro
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