---+ TCG Meeting (online) - December 18 2024 @ 14:00 UTC %TOC% * _Attendees_ : Tom, Marco, Baptiste, Mark K, Adrian, André, Anne, Gus, Gilles, Grégory, Jeremy, Mark CD, Mathieu, Markus, Pierre L, Renaud, Ricardo, Sara, Steve, Sébastien, Tamara, Tess, Yihan, Janet * _Regrets_ : Pierre F, Bruno, Francesca ---++ Agenda * Round-table introduction: as a benefit to new TCG members * Malta Interop wrap-up: * what went well at the meeting and what might be improved * topics to bring to College Park *Apps:* * *Really great meeting. Good new applications work and feedback.* * *Parquet is moving quite fast. Mark T prepared a note for that. Preliminary meeting on Parquet was really helpful for the progress.* * *Keeping and eye on how P3T efforts will affect applications.* *DAL:* * *2 main topics. DataLink and TAP. Both had a lot of discussions.* * *Will have running meeting about DataLink as follow up. Giving alternative links to different locations.* * *For TAP will generate working draft.* * *More interest in ObjObsSAP and may make official the name change.* * *A lot of reminders of good practices and what services should do. Security/firewall problems with ADQL.* *DM:* * *Meeting had really good energy.* * *Interop doesn't seem like a good place for DM discussions.* * *Model ecosystem has questions coming up with MANGO related to other models. Approval process expected to be a bit different as MANGO use cases are addressed.* * *Help for Kelle C who would like to make a validator tool based on spectral model and fits standards; also light curves in fits files? Could be some links to planetary. Janet suggested to ask Kelle to write up more specifically what she's looking for.* * *How could we improve the Interop to make it a good place for DM discussions?* * *DM Lunch or Pub Crawl?* * *For more confusion: VODML = VO Data Model Lunch :-)* * *Maybe identifying 1-3 "focus topics" for the meeting?* * *So you can send a heads-up to the community, schedule pre-meeting prep sessions, and schedule sessions with maybe a summary/status presentation but mostly discussion time* *Suspending this topic in interest of time. Will resume at next TCG meeting.* * [[2024BRoadmap][Roadmap 2024B]] - fill in, discuss * (standing item): documents on track * RFC * VOTable-1.5 - [[VOTable15RFC][RFC page]] - status & vote * *Discussion on VOUnits. We believe the 1.5 language is appropriate but there are issues with clients especially (including astropy) that have been confused by changing guidance (though MUSTs have never changed). CDS unit uses now vounits since votable 1.4* * *VOTable 1.5 approved by TCG* * VOEvent-2.1 - [[VOEventV21RFC][RFC page]] - way forward? * *A lot of small items (easy fixes) were made. Blocked by more difficult fix with the schema and STC.* * *Mark: Markus thought the approach that had been taken to copy pieces of STC was the right approach. STC is basically deprecated. Can't make non-backward compatible changes to schema.* * *Anne: Can help with schema expertise.* * *Baptiste also asked for help with the model side of it.* * *Short of STC, what should we be using?* * *Marco: Can we have a side meeting on this topic? Time domain chair would be helpful. Baptiste volunteered to set up this side meeting.* * VOResource-1.2 - [[VOEventV21RFC][RFC page]] - overview & status * *Good new changes; ready for review* * EN * UCDList-1.6 - PEN - vote * *Was deferred from Malta to give a chance to review. Are we ready to go now? Some very minor changes were made in github since then; one change to reflect discussion that had not been previously added, and cleaning up some wording.* * *UCDList-1.6 - PEN Endorsed by consensus* * IVOAArchitecture-2.1 - endorsed by TCG, approved by Exec on 2024-11-14 * Errata & VEPs * VEP-016 - status change? * VEP-017 - overview & vote * *geo_app is being clarified and deprecated since it's mixing refposition and frame and we don't want anyone to use it.* * *Q: Is the plural in the label is OK. A: Yes, it seems consistent with other labels.* * *VEP-017 approved by consensus thumbs up* * WG/IG meetings: topics, ideas, ... * AOB * TDIG open chair position - reminder * IVOA static website rebuilding - quick status * *Need to set up meeting to discuss what's remaining to review what's left before switch over. Can aim for January. Test site is: https://webtest.ivoa.info* * * (ONGOING: astronet.ru publishing registry issue) * GWS -> DSP name changes: re-check plans * Date for the next TCG vconf * -- Wednesday 5 February 2025 @ 21:00 UTC -- TCG meeting dates, as well as other relevant meetings, should always be reported also at the [[IvoaEvents][IVOA Events page]]. <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r8 - 2024-12-19 - MarcoMolinaro
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