---+ TCG Meeting (online) - March 11 2025 @ 14:00 UTC %TOC% * _Attendees_ : * _Regrets_ : Bruno, Simon * *vconf link: [[https://inaf-it.zoom.us/j/83132932872?pwd=fEGf8IkU8JaVBeUJBkFzSLKpDSk9p4.1][zoom room]]* ---++ Agenda * (standing item): documents on track * RFC * VOEvent-2.1 - [[VOEventV21RFC][RFC page]]: where are we? * VOResource-1.2 - [[VOResource12RFC][RFC page]]: finalise? * StandardsRegExt-1.1 [[StandardsRegExt11RFC][RFC page]]: RFC formal deadline end of March * EN * Errata & VEPs * VEP-016 - on hold * documents _off track_ * since, as of now, there is no easy way to track Notes, maybe we should keep a list for "recent" ones here (and on the TCG wiki): i.e. Notes that the community is working upon and/or recently released * [[https://www.ivoa.net/documents/Notes/VOParquet/][Parquet in the VO 1.0]] - under Apps WG review * Radio ObsCore Ext. * HE ObsCore Ext. * TD ObsCore Ext. * [[2024BRoadmap][Roadmap 2024B]] * please, complete, a couple of WGs and some IGs haven't set a roadmap yet and we are 2-3 months to the next Interop * ObsCore & extension(s) * report from the group meetings * plans forward * Radio + HE + TD & DM convergence? * REC review + ENs? / multiple RECs? / other * Registry "profile discovery": solution? * Data Model WG * DM modular models * DM model levels (scope levels); includes other WG requirements * endorsement/approval of models as REC or EN * what about use cases? * Other ongoing activities / Open topics * College Park Interop * TD IG chair * statistics on clients (agents) for TAP (and other protocols): OPS/DAL/Apps * major version transitioning in Registry: updates * GWS -> DSP name changes * IVOA static website rebuilding * astronet.ru publishing registry * AOB * Date for the next TCG vconf * proposed -- Monday 7 April 2025 @ 21:00 UTC -- TCG meeting dates, as well as other relevant meetings, should always be reported also at the [[IvoaEvents][IVOA Events page]]. <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2025-03-10 - MarcoMolinaro
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