<H1><nop>IVOA Technical Coordination Meeting</H1> <H3> May 14-15, 2010: Victoria, Canada</H3> --- %TOC% --- ---+++ Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in the Harbour Room of the Laurel Point Inn, the same venue as the [[InterOpMay2010][IVOA Interoperability Meeting]]. Hotel information can be found [[HotelInformation][here]]. ---+++ Recommended Reading Material * [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/Notes/IVOArch/IVOArch-20040615.html][Virtual Observatory Architecture Overview]] * [[http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/Notes/IVOATechRoadmap2009/20091001/NOTE-IVOATechRoadmap2009-1.0-20091001.pdf][The IVOA in 2009: Technical Assessment and RoadMap]] * EuroVO Reference Architecture * [[Documents/#specs][Standard Recommended or Under Development]] ---+++ Meeting Objectives ---+++ Meeting Agenda | *Time* | *Session* | *Notes* | | *Fri May 14 2010*||| | 09.0009.15 | Welcome and Logistics | | | 09.1509.30 | Review of Agenda | | | 09.3010.00 | Overview of architecture | | | 10.0011.00 | Break out groups | | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ || | 11.0012.30 | | | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ || | 14.0015.30 | | | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ || | 16.0017.30 | | | | *Sat May 15 2010* ||| | 09.0010.30 | | | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ || | 11.0012.30 | | | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ || | 14.0015.30 | | | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ || | 16.0017.30 | | | | ** ||| <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-04-14 - SeverinGaudet
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