<h3>Focus WG meetings during Interop meetings</h3> Comment from ChristopheArviset<br> This topic has raised very little support from the WG and IG chairs, so I would propose _not_ to include it in the Technical Assessment and Future Roadmap, unless it suddenly collects many co-sponsors. ---- ---- Usually Interop meetings are filled in with programmed sessions during the full week, except the free Wednesday afternoon. We can see that there is a regular need for extra meetings focused on specific issues related to some WG/IG or across WG/IG involving a subgroup of participants discussing face to face.. What do WG/IG chairs and vice-chair think about making time available in the Interop program so such focus meetings could be organized at the initiation of the people involved? -- MireilleLouys I agree this is needed especially when a specification has to be reviewed by several WGs. This is a way not to overload the normal sessions of WGs during the period a spec is elaborated and gather the views of all participants in one go. <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r4 - 2008-06-25 - ChristopheArviset
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