<h3>Process for the definition of Units</h3> Text to go in the 2008 Assessment and Roadmap document Regularly within the IVOA, there are discussions about units. It has become necessary to formalize a process to make sure that we arrive to an IVOA conclusion about this: * within the TCG, we should decide to write an IVOA note that indicates how units should be handled within the IVOA. Note the various discussions that already have taken place about this (IVOA.UnitsDesc ) * within the TCG, we should define the list of editor and authors for this document. There should be some people from the WG/IG involved in the usage of UNITS * the editor and co-authors should write such document on UNITS and issue it after proper discussion within relevant WGs and after final review of the TCG * the TCG should evaluate if existing IVOA standards might need a small update to take into account this new document * the TCG should make sure that the relevant IVOA standards making use of UNITS make proper reference to the that document End of Text ---- ---- <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2008-06-23 - ChristopheArviset
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