TCG Running List - 2024

Running list of topics that should be reviewed as they come up so we don't forget.

TCG Contributor (Name) Date Topic Action Brief Description
M Molinaro 30Aug23 VOUnits   Usage of VOUnits: how are they represented/enforced in the other RECs
M Molinaro 30Aug23 registering services   <model .../> vs. <table ... utype="model"/> concerns in registering services & consequences
J Evans 23Feb24 VO Web Page curation

Step 1: Nov Interop Hackathon

Step 2: Bring to Exec again - Week of Apr 8 (in doodle poll)

How do we sustain accurate user facing web pages?? Hackaton Session with Spreadsheets; Asked for it to be added to the Exec agenda for Apr mtg. Think less is more and suggest we remove outdated/bad links for starters.

Combined with another entry that said: Document standards status page is hard to read and to know which standard to use - especially if new to the IVOA - Suggestion is it needs a reorg (

M Molinaro 22Sep23 our standards in the outside world Bring to Dec Exec mtg (reported from more people, maybe a matter for Exec) IVOA RECs on -- How to keep them updated?
B Cecconi 22Sep23 Vocabularies versions   currently date-labelled only, how to reach them, how to handle deprecation alerts, ...
M Cresitello-Dittmar 13Dec23 STC-s serialization  

Discussion regarding the future of STC-s as a serialization 'standard'; current WD is 2013, and newer DAL standards are moving toward DALI serialization format.

Error in the WD-STC-S-1.0-20130918 document? , continued at Error in the WD-STC-S-1.0-20130918 document?

M Cresitello-Dittmar 13Dec23 DMs to serve all needs  

Would like to discuss how solve the problem of producing Data Models rich enough to serve the requirements of

Data Product Analysis support AND the simpler requirements of DAL/Catalogs. (e.g. Epoch Propagation use case)


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Topic revision: r6 - 2024-02-23 - JanetEvans
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