TCG Meeting (online) - Thu, Dec 07 2022 @ 20:00 UTC
Meeting details
- Existing
- [DM] - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to [ONGOING]
- The GitHub repo has been transferred IVOA and the key questions added to the project README file.
- Including a CODE_OF_CONDUCT file in all our projects.
- Including a Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) file in all our projects.
- Initiate a process for updating our code of conduct.
- [Apps] to lead start discussion on JSON & XML in VO architecture [ONGOING, will have a place at Interop]
- [MM] investigate update of RFC wiki-template [OPEN]
- New
- [MM] send out an email about abandoned/unused mailing lists decision [OPEN]
Meeting Agenda
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
- Few things to note:
- Northern Spring 2023 IVOA meeting in Italy (sponsored by INAF) - dates 7-12 May
- Northern Fall 2023 IVOA meeting Tucson (sponsored by Rubin in works) - BB working with Tim
- Exec Chair Christophe, V Chair Simon - for 1 year term starting Dec 05
- TCG RFC Review
- Northern Fall 2022 Interop Review
- Northern Spring 2023 Interop
- Special topics/Plenary planning/Education session
- Hybrid meeting - How to manage/engage
- CSP message
- The CSP would like to congratulate the TCG for the great work done during last interop. It was a remarkable interop with a lot of very interesting work presented.
- The CSP supports a session and further in-depth discussions around the VO in the Cloud & Science Platforms.
- The CSP thinks that it is the right moment for having a plenary around DOIs, VO Registry, data citation practices.
- The CSP would like to help on improving the visibility of Datalink by encouraging more implementations & by supporting more user tutorials. We think that encouragement of implementations can improve by having more tutorials showing how to discover who provides datalink and what can be done with it. We wonder what the status of the registry is in terms of tutorials and in terms of the description of the protocols that are used on those tutorials. (There was a nice tutorial presented by Mark Taylor and we would like to encourage more of those).
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Topic revision: r3 - 2022-12-07 - AdaNebot