TCG Meeting (online) - Wed, Sep 13 2023 @ 20:00 UTC
- Attendees :
- Regrets : Gus, Baptiste, Anne (maybe), Francesca
- Existing
- New/Restated or modified
- [ALL] - check on DataLink -1.1 RFC to prepare for the next TCG meeting
(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)
- Few Notes:
- Review current Recs
- DataLink -1.1 status - Francois says there are still discussions ongoing - HOLD
- ADQL-2.1 status - will be explained at this TCG meeting RFC page
- Based on email iteration after last mtg, Spectrum Data Model/RFC- it's enough to present the implementation of the providers that requested the change
- VOUnits-1.1 RFC is available, please contribute
- 2023 Roadmap Status Review -
- Roadmap status - 2 WG / 2 IG (GWS, Apps, SSIG, OPS done)
- Let's review 2 WG / 2 IG Roadmaps
- Nov IVOA Mtg
- Start of TCG Session planning page:
- One suggested session from last mtg: Presentations from data centers explaining their usage of Data Models
- JE suggestion for keeping up with IVOA user directed web pages - Hackthon at IVOA mtgs to curate pages & find an owner (sent to Exec) - thoughts??
- Next TCG meeting:
This topic: IVOA
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Topic revision: r1 - 2023-09-12 - JanetEvans