The Simulation Data Model relies on concepts organized as SKOS vocabularies. Several vocabularies have been developed by the VO-Theory I.G. Some of them have been developed thanks to the journals keywords. The astronomical objects vocabulary has been developed by the Semantic working group. New terms can be added to these vocabularies contacting the VO-Theory I.G. Once sufficiently mature, the process to develop these vocabularies could be supervised by the Semantics W.G. as for the UCDs. Present vocabularies are : * Algorithms * Astronomical objects * Input parameters * Physical processes * Physical quantities * Data object types UCDs can also be used as valid VO-Theory vocabularies The main official vocabularies can be found at the address : * [[][VO-Theory vocabularies]] The UCDs can also be considered as one of the useable vocabularies. Webservices have been developed to check the validity of concepts : * [[][Check existence of concepts]] ---++ Links * [[][SKOS vocabularies]] * [[][Ontology of Astronomical Objects]] * [[][UCD syntax etc]] * [[][UCD1+ controlled vocabulary]] * [[][UCD maintenance]] * [[][IVOA Standard Vocabulary]] <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r13 - 2012-06-26 - root
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