This page is meant to gather input on properties and possible values for describing simulations and their results. One of the uses of this list is forming a proposal for additions to the UCDs and Semantic Vocabulary lists of the UCDs working group. This list was started during a meeting of the theory interest group on Tue May 16. Please add concepts, possible values and descriptions. In general the main item is the property (UCD), the secondary items possible values (vocabulary), but there are exceptions. Later this week we'll go through the exercise of further classification and, importantly, finding out which concepts and words already exist in the lists. * name of code: * gadget 2 * zeus * flash * cloudy * ramses * enzo * hydra * starlab * nbody0..6 * cosmics * mappings * vac (versatile advection code = MHD) * astroBEAR (mhd) * GALEV, Starburst99, sed@, PEGASE, GALAXEV... (ev. synthesis codes) * Altlas9 (12), Tlusty, VMBasic, Synthe, Phoenix, Nemo, Basel (atmosphere codes/libararies) * FRANEC, Geneva, Padova... (evolutionary tracks/isochrones) * physical process (primary) * radiative transfer * gravitational dynamics * GR * hydrodynamics * fluid dynamics * plasma physics * magneto-hydrodynamics * stellar evolution (Is it a physical process?) * stellar population synthesis (physical process or algorithm?) * physical process (secondary?) * photoionization * hydrostatic equilibrium (atmosphere?) * subject * star * stellar clusters * galaxy * volume of space * accretion disc(k) * jet * interstellar medium * molecular cloud * type of algorithm: * nbody * mesh * collisionless * eulerian grid * lagrangian grid * tree * adaptive refinement mesh * adaptive refinement tree * sph * tree-sph * pppm * pm * pp * fokker-planck codes * vlasov solvers * orbit solver * pic (particle in cell) * tree-pm * scf (self consistent field) * ffm (fast multipole method) * schwarzschild * ppm (piecewise parabolic method) * plm (piecewise linear method = godunov) * Isochrone synthesis * Fuel consuption theorem * time evolution * leap frog * individual timesteps * static * adaptative timesteps * runge-kutta * symplectic integrator * algorithmic parameter, including initial and boundary conditions * number of particles * mesh size * gravitational softening * box size * result type * snapshot * animation * table * FITS * result parameters * time * redshift * metallicity <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r4 - 2006-05-17 - MiguelCervino
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