The Boneyard at Davis-Monthan AFB

Things to do near Tucson, AZ

Arizona may be the only U.S. state whose highway magazine is bought for its photography by non-residents. The Grand Canyon lies far to the north, but Southern Arizona contains its own unique wonders. Here are a few, loosely categorized. Most could appear under more than one heading - for instance, Tubac is of historical as well as artistic interest and Bisbee's Copper Queen mine is a vast monument to the transforming power of technology.

Special Tucson events

ASDM Summer Saturday Evenings

Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Shows

Fourth Avenue Street Fair

Metropolitan Tucson Visitors Bureau

Technology and Education

Kitt Peak National Observatory

Biosphere 2

The Pima Air and Space Museum

Titan Missile Museum

University of Arizona

Natural Wonders

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

Saguaro National Park

Kartchner Caverns

Sabino Canyon

Tohono Chul Park


Arizona State Museum

Tombstone, Arizona

San Xavier del Bac


Cochise Stronghold

Nogales, Mexico

Arts & Entertainment

Center for Creative Photography

Etherton Gallery

Tucson Museum of Art

Old Tucson Studios

Tubac, Arizona

Bisbee, Arizona

Hotel Congress

Fox Theatre

Loft Cinema

Gaslight Theatre


Sidewinders' Baseball

Tucson Golf Courses

Handball Hall of Fame

Nimbus Brewing Company


Tucson Weekly

Arizona Daily Star

Tucson weather

This topic: IVOA > TucsonStuff
Topic revision: r7 - 2007-05-17 - RobSeaman
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