The Boneyard at Davis-Monthan AFB

Things to do near Tucson, AZ

Arizona may be the only U.S. state whose highway magazine is bought for its photography by non-residents. The Grand Canyon lies far to the north, but Southern Arizona contains its own unique wonders. Here are a few, loosely categorized. Most could appear under more than one heading - for instance, Tubac is of historical as well as artistic interest and Bisbee's Copper Queen mine is a vast monument to the transforming power of technology.


Kitt Peak National Observatory

Biosphere 2

The Pima Air and Space Museum

Titan Missile Museum

Natural Wonders

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

Saguaro National Park

Kartchner Caverns

Sabino Canyon

Tohono Chul Park


Arizona State Museum

Tombstone, Arizona

San Xavier del Bac


Cochise Stronghold

Nogales, Mexico

Arts & Entertainment

Center for Creative Photography

Old Tucson Studios

Tubac, Arizona

Bisbee, Arizona

Tucson Golf Courses

This topic: IVOA > TucsonStuff
Topic revision: r4 - 2005-10-07 - RobSeaman
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