RFM (Request for modification) of the List of UCD-words
A. Preite Martinez
IVOA – Semantics WG
TN - 20060713
What follows is a list of proposed requests (
RFM) to modify/add the present standard list of ucd-words:
The UCD1+ controlled vocabulary, Vers. 1.11 - IVOA Recommendation 31 December 2005 (
http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/UCDlist.html ).
The RFMs were collected over the past few month, from suggestions coming from various members of the IVOA community.
The list has been presented at the UCD-session in Victoria, and corrected taking into account the discussions during the meeting within the WG and with the Theory IG. Other suggestions have been added to describe attributes used by some Data Models.
The list is open for discussion in accordance with the approved standard procedure:
Maintenance of the list of UCD words, Version 1.20 - IVOA Recommendation 28 May 2006 (
http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/UCDlistMaintenance.html ).
Due to web security problems, for the moment we discourage the usage of the web-based form for submitting RFMs. On the other hand we can consider the present list of RFMs as a collective effort of the community, not requiring a private personal answer (see par. 2.2 and 2.3 of the maintenance document). For the time being, all the RFMs and all the corresponding answers will be grouped together in the present public document. Other RFMs could be proposed during the discussion phase, so that we can consider this document as a temporary repository of all proposed RFMs.