Minutes UTYPEs tiger team telecon 2013-04-16
absent: Mireille (ML), Pierre (PF)

MD Clarification of the tasks we are charge to produce
OL There is an email from Severin
GL reads the email description
OL Regarding VO/DML, the final solution propoased is very close to Sebastian approach on catalogs
MD we are doing something a little bit different
GL simdm was accepted
MG solution not accepted by all the institutions
GL not clear that it is not acceptable
MG PF says no ML is more balanced
GL A particular VOTable can still be done as before
OL We actually tried to minimize the transition from one model to the other.
GL We do not say current use cannot be used
MD Solid foundation in the presentation to Exec
GL ML wants to have the semantics in the utype itself and not into the FIELFRef
OL Parsing the utypes with support for collections and references could be also used
GL It would be harder to do it that groups (in case all the support for collections & references is fullfilled)
MG As as summary, the problem is that we are missing the semantics meaning in the utypes
MD We should put more about SED and SpectralDM in the usages section. I volunteer myself
OL We should probably divide the work as we are charge to solve the utypes syntax
MG We are trying to do that with the division in two documents
MD These two documents are correlated and we cannot write one without reference to the other
OL One objection, we did not have the mandate to create the DM framework
GL We cannot disantagle utypes and the expresion in VOTable. If utypes are not xpath expressions but pointers. We are asuming the Data modeling framework
GL We are not sure if path expressions can be valid in other use cases
JS in favour of a backwards compatible approach
GL we do not say it is not still valid the old utypes use

GL not semantics associated to path expressions
JS described approach (using path utypes as aliases into VOTable fields). Alias table is not a simple table but path utypes associated to groups
OL there is not a uniform standard for utypes syntax (eg. aladin brackets)
JS sebastien proposal is more like the approach I propose (vo/dml with path utypes)
OL not really that. Not real VO/DML. He stopped at first group level
MD we should concentrate on the documents skeleton
GL VO/DML first version is on volute (two different versions) and ML/OL on charge of second review of utypes doc
MG Usage document will contain also the analysis
MD IRIS has already part of this analysis
OL if the starting point is you can use

GL DM translation into VO/DML

Global discussion on the edition of utypes mapping document.

Parallel teleconf proposed with GL, OL, ML and JS

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Topic revision: r1 - 2013-04-23 - JesusSalgado
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