Note: This is a proposal by MarkusDemleitner for how to manage vocabulary evolution in the IVOA at this point.

VEPs"> Current VEPs

(please attach your VEP and put the link into this enumeration)

VEPs"> Accepted VEPs

(None so far)

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs)

We propose to manage vocabulary evolution in the IVOA through Vocabulary Enhancement Requests. These are small, version controllable, plain text files; the current version of a VEP is maintained on this page, currently in an attachment.

A VEP is semistructured; in a header, it should first give the vocabulary URL and a contact address for the author, as in


This is followed by one or more blocks. These can be proposals for new terms, given with a human-readable label, a description, and a rationale for the addition. For instance:

New Term: isMetadataFor (child of auxiliary)
Label: Metadata
Description: additional documentation for this dataset (e.g.,
observatory logs, provenance information)
Rationale: This would annotate material such as observation logs,
scanned envelopes of plates, or possibly logs of pipeline runs.  The
term is a bit different from other datalink terms, but it is taken from
the DataCite relationships, and I feel re-using these terms whenever
possible makes it easier to re-use datalink annotations later.

Alternatively, changes to an existing term can be proposed, including changing its parent:

Changed term: proc
Label: Processing
Description: reference to a server-side processing service
Rationale: The old description ("server-side data processing result")
just doesn't quite match what this is.

No process for the deletion of terms is proposed at this point.

A VEP may be replaced during discussions.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt vep001.txt r1 manage 1.9 K 2016-07-04 - 14:47 MarkusDemleitner  

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaSemantics > VEPs
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-07-04 - MarkusDemleitner
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