The Virtual Observatory Data eXchange format will define a data model-based alternative to [[IvoaVOTable][VOTable]]. The main goals of this enterprise are: * to define a semantically rich data exchange mechanism * to ensure transmitted data retains the semantic meaning of its source * to enable data extracts to be combined, analysed and manipulated without human intervention * to provide a mechanism for applications to exchange meaningful data A key requirement of VODaX is that there should exist a [[][XML Schema]]-based implementation of the [[IvoaDataModel][IVOA Data Model]]: a parallel effort (VODMX) will address this requirement. This page will contain links to Notes and proposed standards related to VODaX. --- * VOListInitialProposal -- IVOA.GuyRixon - 26 May 2004
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2004-05-26 - GuyRixon
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