<small>Jumps: [[http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/][reg-dm mail archive]] :: IvoaResReg :: RegistryInterface :: VOResourceV10 :: RegUpgradeToV10 <br/> Meetings: InterOpMay2007ResReg :: InterOpSep2006ResReg</small> ---+!! !VODataService !VODataService is a XML Schema that extends the core !VOResource schema to describe data collections and services that provide access to data. It forms the basis for extension schemas that describe support for standard IVOA protocols. $ Working Draft Schema: [[http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOResource-v1.0.xsd][VOResource-v1.0.xsd]] %TOC{title="Table of Contents"}% ---++ Features !VODataService defines the follow extensions of the generic Resource type: * =DataCollection=: describes a collection of data which can include a mix of images, catalogs, spectra and any other type of data. A collection description may include a description of coverage on the sky and in time and frequency, and it may include a description of the component catalogs. * =DataService=: This is an extension of the Service Resource type that represents a service that provides access to data. One can describe the data's coverage on the sky and in time and frequency and its association with facilities and instruments. * =CatalogService=: This is an extension of the =DataService= type to describe a service that provides access to data, and specifically interacts with or returns information in a tabular form. In addition to the =DataService= metadata, one may also describe the strucuture of the tables. * =STCStandard=: This resource extension is used to define standard coordinate systems using STC. It also defines an extension of the generic Interface type: * =ParamHTTP=: this describes a service interface in the form an HTTP Get URL and comprised of a base URL and a set of arguments made up of key=value parameters. In this extension, it is possible to describe the input parameters supported by the service. ---++ Some samples * [[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/RegUpgradeToV10/collection.xml][collection.xml]] * [[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/RegUpgradeToV10/catalog.xml][catalog.xml]] * [[%PUBURL%/%WEB%/RegUpgradeToV10/stc.xml][stc.xml]] <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2007-10-02 - RayPlante
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