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Meetings: InterOpMay2008ResReg :: InterOpSep2007ResReg :: InterOpMay2007ResReg

Using and Extending the VOResource Schema

VOResource Specifications

Note that full extent of ResourceMetadata development and specification is tracked at ResourceMetadata.

IVOA Recommendation
VOResource: an XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metadata (v1.03)
RayPlante, Editor. RFC completed Aug 2007.

Working Draft
VODataService: a VOResource extension for Data Collections and Services, v1.0 (Aurelien Stebe and Ray Plante, editors)

Extensions Currently In Use (plus examples)

All of the schemas and examples can be downloaded together: VOResource-v1.0.tar.gz, VOResource-v1.0.zip.

Individual examples:

Schema Sample instances
VOResource-v1.0.xsd organisation.xml
VODataService-v1.0.xsd collection.xml
ConeSearch-v1.0.xsd conesearch.xml
SIA-v1.0.xsd sia.xml
VORegistry-v1.0.xsd registry.xml
VOStandard-v0.1.xsd siastd.xml
OpenSkyNode-v0.2.xsd skynode.xml

Several of the examples use STC which requires stc-v1.30.xsd and xlink.xsd.

Note: The samples above were created to be compliant only with the VOResource schema and the above extensions. These would have a different wrapping or "root" element (namely, the <ri:Resource> element) when used as part of a Registry service, the details depending on the type of message; see the RI spec for specifics. (I'll try to update these with Registry-specific versions to avoid confusion --rp)

How to Create a New Extension Schema

The recommended process for creating a new VOResource extension is outlined in a presentation during InterOpSep2007:

Making a Service Standard Registry-Ready
(Defining Capability Metadata the VOResource way)

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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-06-26 - root
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