VOSI-1.1 Erratum 2 - Example corrections

Author: Patrick Dowler

The following Erratum amends the VOSI-1.1 recommendation.


In VOSI 1.1 (ref), some of the VOSITables examples have incorrect xsi:type (vs:TAP should be vs:TAPType) and extraneous spaces that should not be there. This erratum is to fix those bugs in the examples.

Note: Although vs:TAPType may be deprecated and/or removed in future in favour of using vs:VOTableType, this erratum does not change the examples

Change of standards text

* Section 5.2: Change vs:TAP to vs:TAPType and remove extraneous spaces before closing elements; removed the single TAP_SCHEMA table from the example because it was in the same element (confusing and not relevant to showing what max detail means); added a comment to the example that possible additional schema was omitted in case someone compares this example with the min detail example below

* Section 5.3: remove extraneous spaces before closing elements

The new example for section 5.2 is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <table type="output">
        <name>cfhtlsID </name>
        <dataType xsi:type="vs:TAPType" size="30">adql:VARCHAR</dataType>
        <name>survey </name>
        <dataType xsi:type="vs:TAPType" size="6">adql:VARCHAR</dataType>
        <name>field </name>
        <dataType xsi:type="vs:TAPType" size="2">adql:VARCHAR</dataType>
        <name>pointing </name>
        <dataType xsi:type="vs:TAPType" size="6">adql:VARCHAR</dataType>
        <name>selectionFilter </name>
        <dataType xsi:type="vs:TAPType" size="2">adql:VARCHAR</dataType>
  <!-- additonal schema element in minimum detail example omitted for brevity -->


The new example for section 5.3 is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <table type="output">
    <table type="output">
    <table type="output">
    <table type="output">
    <table type="output">


Change in VOSI.tex in volute svn revision 5388.

Impact Assessment

  • No impact is expected.


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Topic revision: r2 - 2019-04-12 - BrianMajor
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