IVOA Grid & Web Services: VOSpace



Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close to computation nodes when large-scale processing or dynamic caches for intermediate data products in workflows are involved. Three modes of data transfer need to be supported: client-server (the client pushes data to, or pulls data from, the server), server-client (the server pushes data to, or pulls data from, the client) and server-server (one server pushes data to, or pulls data from, another server in response to a client request) also known as third-party transfer.

There are many solutions already to these problems so instead of inventing our own we specify a lightweight interface, VOSpace, that sits on top of existing storage solutions, providing a common interface to an underlying heterogeneity of implementations from local file systems to bulk data grids. VOSpace can distinguish between unstructured data, which is just a collection of bytes, and structured data where there is knowledge about how the bytes are arranged and so additional operations are possible. Individual VOSpace instances can also be federated into a peer network so that the user just interacts with a single data space.

VOSpace 1.x specifications relate to a SOAP-based web service.

VOSpace 1.0

VOSpace 1.0 defines an unconnected flat file space and is now an IVOA Recommendation:


VOSpace 1.1

VOSpace 1.1 extends the existing 1.0 specification to support containers, links between individual VOSpace instances, third party APIs and a "find" mechanism.


Standard URIs

The VOSpace specification refers to a number of standard URIs for properties, views and protocols.

The following URIs will be used to represent these standard URIs.

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpget Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP GET transfer.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#httpput Will be used as the protocol URI for a HTTP PUT transfer.

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#anyview Will be used as the view URI to indicate that a service will accept any view for an import operation.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#binaryview Will be used as the view URI to import or export data as a binary file.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#defaultview Will be used by a client to indicate that the service should choose the most appropriate view for a data export.

If a service implementation supports more than one version of the VOSpace API, then it may want to advertise the other versions as capabilities.

One use case for this would be a VOSpace-1.1 client talking to a service that implements both VOSpace-1.0 and VOSpace-1.1, where the client is acting on behalf of a third party agent that only understands VOSpace-1.0. In which case, the client can use the information in the VOSpace-1.0 capability to direct the third party agent to the VOSpace-1.0 endpoint.

  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.0 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-1.1 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 1.1 service.
  • ivo://ivoa.net/vospace/core#vospace-2.0 Will be used as the capability URI for a VOSpace 2.0 service.



VOSpace 2.0

VOSpace 2.0 defines a RESTful interface.


Nothing ready quite yet.



group version endpoint VOSpace root Notes
Caltech v1.1 testnvo.cacr.caltech.edu vos://nvo.caltech!vospace/ HTTP transports, supports structured nodes and archive formats (tar, tar.gz)
ESO v1.0 vops1.hq.eso.org vos://org.eso!vospacetest/ HTTP transports

Mailing list

The mailing list for discussion of the VOSpace specifications and related issues is: vospace@ivoa.net which is archived at: http://ivoa.net/forum/vospace/index.htm

VOSpace 1.0 history


The discussion pages that lead up to the V1.0 working draft are available here :

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatodt VOSpace-Usage.odt r1 manage 201.5 K 2007-10-01 - 16:18 PaulHarrison vospace usage note version 0.1
Unknown file formatwsdl VOSpaceContract-v1.1-rc3.wsdl r1 manage 55.2 K 2008-10-06 - 20:35 DaveMorris VOSPace 1.1-rc3 wsdl
Unknown file formatxsd VOSpaceTypes-v1.1-rc3.xsd r1 manage 53.5 K 2008-10-06 - 20:35 DaveMorris VOSPace 1.1-rc3 schema
Unknown file formatxsd VOSpaceTypes-v1.1rc1.xsd r1 manage 52.2 K 2008-03-11 - 16:59 MatthewGraham VOSpace 1.1 RC1 Message Schema
Unknown file formatwsdl vospace.wsdl r1 manage 50.5 K 2008-03-11 - 16:58 MatthewGraham VOSpace 1.1 RC1 WSDL

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Topic revision: r15 - 2008-10-07 - DaveMorris
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