[[IVOA.VOSpaceHome][VOSpace home page]] ---+ VOSpace public share protocol This wiki page serves as the definition for a !VOSpace transfer protocol for sharing node content. The target use case is to enable users to get a simple URL that provides access to the node content using a simple HTTP GET request. If a client includes the URI for this protocol in a !PullFromVOSpace transfer request, then the endpoint URL in the !VOSpace server response will contain a simple URL that provides HTTP GET access to the node content. ---++ Basic requirements * The endpoint URL MUST work with a simple HTTP GET request. * The endpoint URL SHOULD be suitable for listing in a published paper. * The endpoint URL SHOULD be suitable for sending to someone in an email. * The endpoint URL MUST be able to be used multiple times by multiple clients. ---++ Technical details * The URL of [[VOSpacePublicShare][this wiki page]] serves as the URI for this transfer protocol. * This protocol SHOULD only valid for a !PullFromVOSpace transfer request. * The UWS transfer job will complete immediately. * The endpoint URL MUST continue to be valid after the transfer job has completed. * The endpoint URL path MUST end with a valid file name based on the node name. * The header fields of a HTTP response to a HTTP GET requests MUST contain a valid file name based on the node name. * The header fields of a HTTP response to a HTTP GET requests MUST an appropriate mime-type based on the node content. ---++ Technical issues Things that need to be discussed.. * What if the transfer request contains more than one protocol - do the others remain valid even if this one has completed ? * What happens if the node content changes ? * Do we want to define a ZippedArchive view that can be used in combination with this protocol to download the contents of a !ContainerNode as a zipfile ? Things that probably go in a separate ProtectedShare protocol .. * Do we want to add a property to control the URL lifetime ? * Do we want to add a property to control the number of downloads allowed ? * Do we want to add a property to control access ? <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-06-08 - DaveMorris
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